内容摘要 书名:Ivanhoe 伊凡赫 难度:Lexile蓝思阅读指数1410L 作者:Sir Walter Scott沃尔特·司各特 出版社名称:Signet Classics 出版时间:2009 语种:英文 ISBN:9780451531360 商品尺寸:10.6 x 2.7 x 17.1 cm 包装:简装 页数:528 (以实物为准) Ivanhoe《伊凡赫》是英国作家沃尔特·司各特写的小说著作。故事以十二世纪末年英国狮心王理查在位时期的民族矛盾和阶级矛盾为背景,抒写了一个充满骑士精神的、绚丽多彩的英雄故事。小说着重描写了三件大事:一、亚苏俾比武大会,二、托奎尔斯通城堡的争夺战,三、圣殿会堂对黎蓓卡的审问。此书还被拍成了同名电影在英国上映。 本书为Signet Classics推出的英文原版,由Regina Marler写序言,Sharon Kay Penman写后记,内容完整无删减,书本轻巧便携。 During the Crusades, Wilfred, a young Saxon knight, embarks on a series of adventures to prove himself worthy of the princess Rowena, fighting the Normans and the Templars?and allied with such figures as Robin Hood and Richard the Lion heart. 沃尔特·司各特(Walter Scott,1771~1832)堪称世界文学史上很具影响力的小说家之一。他的小说,素材丰富多彩,既有关于十七世纪的历史和文学,也有关于苏格兰启蒙运动时期的历史和社会学,更有他对他那个时代的革命危机所作出的强烈反应。他改变了历史小说,使其成为一种再现民族文化、历史及其命运的主要表现形式。一个民族处在动荡剧变的时候,它特别需要所有的阶级和宗教力量团结起来,司各特的小说所表现的正是这一主题。他的小说不仅仅在他那个时代畅销不衰,而且一直被许多人加以模仿,影响了欧美乃至全世界一代又一代的小说家。 《艾凡赫》是司各特生病期间完成的,他试图通过这篇作品改变自己小说创作的背景。他第一次撇开苏格兰背景,改用他喜爱的英格兰历史和传说——“狮心王”理查和罗宾汉。这两个人物在英格兰可谓家喻户晓。司各特通过他们以及他们辉煌而传奇的骑士生活,向读者展现了一个十分生动而又浪漫的故事。那些风度翩翩的骑士们个个彬彬有礼,即便是像艾凡赫和布里恩·布瓦吉贝尔这样一对冤家,也没忘记礼貌,友好地问候对方,决斗时他们更是严格遵守规则,显示出高尚的骑士风度;当阿特尔斯坦发现罗文娜和艾凡赫真心相爱,便很有风度地把罗文娜让给了他;艾凡赫的父亲对诺曼人恨之入骨,但诺曼骑士布里恩·布瓦吉贝尔来到他家时,他依然热情友好地款待来宾。《艾凡赫》中所记述的这一切,充分表现了封建时代骑士们所追求的那种至高无上的荣誉准则。司各特认为,这种准则对生活来说是至关重要的。封建社会虽然过去了好几个世纪,但他依然固守不放,并把它作为处世哲学的重要标准。 《艾凡赫》的主要冲突发生在十二世纪的盎格鲁一撒克逊农民与诺曼贵族之间。以艾凡赫父亲塞德里克为代表的农民遭受着诺曼贵族阶级的剥削和压迫,他率领农民试图进行反抗,并希望恢复撒克逊人的英格兰王位。然而,事实证明,这是不可能的。于是,他们和诺曼人——国王理查一世,即闻名遐迩的“狮心王”理查达成妥协,双方军队合并。这一事件在英国历史的发展过程中具有重要而积极的意义。随着双方的合并,一个新的国家诞生了,并从此迅速地发展起来。 沃尔特·司各特爵士 ,英国历史小说家和诗人。他生于苏格兰的爱丁堡市,自幼患有小儿麻痹症,爱丁堡大学法律系毕业后,当过副郡长,他以苏格兰为背景的诗歌十分有名,但拜伦出现后,他意识到无法超越,转行开始写作历史小说,终于成为英语历史文学的一代鼻祖。 Sir Walter Scottwas born in Edinburgh in 1771. Educated for the law, he obtained the office of sheriff-depute of Selkirkshire in 1799 and in 1806 the office of clerk of session, a post whose duties he fulfilled for some twenty-five years. His lifelong interest in Scottish antiquity and the ballads which recorded Scottish history led him to try his hand at narrative poems of adventure and action. The Lay of the Last Minstrel (1805), Marmion (1808), and TheLadyoftheLake (1810) made his reputation as one of the leading poets of his time. A novel, Waverley, which he had begun in 1805, was published anonymously in 1814. Subsequent novels appeared with the note “by the author of Waverley”; hence his novels often are called collectively “the Waverley novels.” Some of the most famous of these are OldMortality (1816), RobRoy (1817), Ivanhoe (1819), Kenilworth (1821), and QuentinDurward (1823). In recognition of his literary work Scott was made a baronet in 1819. During his last years he held various official positions and published biographies, editions of Swift and Dryden, tales, lyric poetry, and various studies of history and antiquity. He died in 1832. Sharon Kay Penman was born in New York City and grew up in New Jersey. She has a BA in history from the University of Texas and a Juris Doctor degree from Rutgers School of Law. She has not practiced law since the publication of her first novel, The Sunne in Splendour, in 1982. To date, she has written six historical novels and two medieval mysteries. She has lived in England and Wales while researching books, and currently lives in New Jersey. Such being our chief scene, the date of our story refers to a period towards the end of the reign of Richard 1 when his return from his long captivity had become an event rather wished than hoped for by his despairing subjects who were in the meantime subjected to every species of subordinate oppression. The nobles, whose power had become exorbitant during the reign of Stephen and whom the prudence of Henry the Second had scarce reduced into some degree of subjection to the crown, had now resumed their ancient license in its utmost extent; despising the feeble interference of the English Council of State, fortifying their castles. Increasing the number of their dependants. Reducing all around them to a state of vassalage. And striving by every means in their power to place themselves each at the head of such forces as might enable him to make a figure in the national convulsions which appeared to be impending. 1234567