内容摘要 书名:Isle of You属于你的岛屿 作者:David LaRochelle 出版社名称:Walker Books 出版时间:2020 语种:英语 ISBN:9781406390353 商品尺寸:24.5 x 27.5 x 0.4cm 包装:平装 页数:32(以实物为准) 深呼吸和一点想象力是这个温和的、有精美插图的指南的关键,它将帮助孩子们提升自己的精神……有些日子比其他日子更难度过。无论何时你悲伤、孤独、愤怒,你都可以去一个地方:你的小岛。花一点时间来摆脱你的烦恼,然后驶向你梦想成真的地方。在鹰背上翱翔,寻找宝藏,观看穿着旱冰鞋跳舞的北极熊——任何你能想象到的都是你的……充满希望和梦想的詹姆·金的绘画为年轻读者提供了一种方式,让他们在大卫·拉罗谢尔的这个富有同情心的故事中看到一种更光明、更快乐的情绪。 A deep breath and a little imagination are key in this gentle, beautifully illustrated story that will inspire little ones to lift their own spirits - and remember that they are loved. Some days are harder to get through than others, but when you're sad, or lonely, or angry, it helps to remember these words: the Isle of You. Take a moment to shake off your worries, then set sail to a land where your dreams can come true. Soar on the back of an eagle, hunt for treasure, watch dancing polar bears on roller skates -anything you can imagine is yours. Hopeful and dreamlike, Jaime Kim's paintings illuminate a way for young readers to visualize a brighter, happier mood in this compassionate story by David LaRochelle. David LaRochelleis the author of many books for young readers, including Moo! and This Is NOT a Cat!, both illustrated by Mike Wohnoutka, and How Martha Saved Her Parents from Green Beans, illustrated by Mark Fearing.David LaRochelle lives in Minnesota, USA. Find him online at davidlarochelle.net. 1234567