内容摘要 书名:Real Friends真正的朋友 读者对象:8-12岁 作者:Shannon Hale 出版社名称:First Second 出版时间:2017 语种:英语 ISBN:9781626727854 商品尺寸:14.4 x 1.2 x 20.3 cm 包装:平装 页数:224(以实物为准) ★纽伯瑞奖作家Shannon Hale倾心之作 ★荣登纽约时报书榜 ★美国高销量产品 ★了解校园社交规则 ★学习校园社交技巧 ★识别哪些孩子值得交朋友 ★理解友谊中的付出与迁就 ★学习解决冲突、维持友谊的正确方法 Real Friends正是这样一本帮助孩子学习社交技巧、获得真正友谊的书,通过作家Shannon Hale的真实童年经历,和小读者们分享她的校园生活,以及她在校园社交中的喜怒哀乐,让孩子在故事中感受自己的生活。 Review "In Real Friends, Shannon Hale reflects on her own friendship-troubled elementary school years with honesty, humor and grace . . . Her readers will find much to love here, including LeUyen Pham's brilliant and multilayered art . . . These detailed memories of elementary school will ring hilariously true to adult readers . . . At the same time, stories of whispered rumors and being left out will be achingly familiar for readers navigating those waters in the here and now." --author Kate Messner, writing in the New York Times Book Review "The book's truth is as vibrant as its art." --Washington Post "A heart-stabbing tale of the everyday social agonies of girlhood." --Wall Street Journal "Real Friends tackles bullying, childhood anxiety, and growing pains in a heartfelt way that'll transport every woman who went to elementary school back into her days as a young girl . . . but the book also shows us the incredible kindness and solidarity that girls can and do display." --The Mary Sue 书中的主人公Shannon是个乖巧、单纯的小姑娘,同时也有着害羞、慢热、缺乏安全感等性格特点。一年级时,孩子们大都幼稚单纯,Shannon也享受其中,学校的生活给她带来了好朋有Adrienne,非常亲密。随着年龄的增长,孩子们的心智成熟度开始慢慢地不一样了,成熟快的孩子们开始有了团队意识,喜欢在自己组织的小集体里展现自我。在这样的情况下,Adrienne也追随着其他孩子加入了The Group。对于缺乏安全感的Shannon来说,朋友的“移情别恋”让她失落不已。为了能和Adrienne在一起,她也加入了组织。但事情比不想Shannon想像的那样,The Group的成员时常嘲笑她幼稚,不喜欢她。这让她受到了很大的打击,要知道,被孤立的滋味是不好受的。可怜的Shannon该怎么办呢?要知道学校的生活也不是一成不变的,在接下来的生活中,真诚、朴实的Shannon又认识了新的朋友Zara和Veronica。Zara和Veronica的大方、友善让Shannon再一次感受到了友谊的甜蜜。同时,两位好朋友的自信与宽容也感染。 Shannon Haleis the bestselling author of many books for children, including the Ever After High series, Princess Academy (Newbery Honor book), and The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl middle grade novel. She co-wrote the graphic novels Rapunzel's Revenge and Calamity Jack and the chapter book series The Princess in Black with her husband Dean Hale. They live with their four children near Salt Lake City, Utah. LeUyen Pham is the bestselling illustrator of The Princess in Black series with Shannon and Dean Hale. She wrote and illustrated Big Sister, Little Sister and The Bear Who Wasn't There and is the illustrator of many other picture books, including The Boy Who Loved Math. She lives and works in Los Angeles with her husband and her two adorable sons. 1234567