内容摘要 翻新或建造你自己的家是你可以做出的大投资之一(经济上和情感上)。多年来,BuildHer集体已经帮助世界各地的妇女使之成为一种有趣、有价值和有能力的经验。在充满活力的澳大利亚二人组Kribashini Hannon和Rebeka Morgan的领导下,BuildHer已经创造了一个运动。在这本书中,她们在这里为所有经验水平的女性分享她们的建筑专业知识。 Renovating or building your own home is one of the biggest investments (financially and emotionally) you can ever make. For years, the BuildHer Collective have helped women around the world make this a fun, rewarding and empowering experience. Led by dynamic Australian duo Kribashini Hannon and Rebeka Morgan, BuildHer have created a movement. In this book, they're here to share their building expertise, for women of all experience levels.