内容摘要 书名:Hundred: What You Learn in a Lifetime 一百:一生所学总有一天你会懂 作者:Heike Faller 出版社名称:Celadon Books 出版时间:2019 语种:英文 ISBN:9781250237026 商品尺寸:19.3 x 21.3 x 2 cm 包装:精装 页数:208(以实物为准) 你是否曾以为,生命的进程, 会像自己的年岁数字所呈现的一般,推进。 17岁,啊,恋爱,就这么奇妙的发生了; 34岁,有了孩子,终于需要成为大人; 48岁,欢聚,原来是件值得珍惜的事情。 看似再正常不过的期待,为什么不这么理所当然? 人生走到今天,你学到了什么? 作者海可·法乐(Heike Faller)曾任德国《时代周刊》编辑,看到可爱的侄女出生,而有了创作的念头。他想送侄女一个礼物,让她明白即将拥有怎样的一生。 法乐邀请获奖无数的插画家瓦勒里奥·维达利(Valerio Vidali)共同创作,自己则近身采访不同生命经历、不同国籍的各色人物。受访者中有小学生、前东德领导人、有六个孩子的叙利亚难民母亲、来自尼日利亚一无所有的大学毕业生、还有到晚年才遇见人生伴侣的巴伐利亚老师等。 一岁,一年;一年,一幅画。 一个人或许会在6岁就明白,人会死去;也或许会在22岁知道,往前的动力竟然是贫穷; 或是在49岁时发现,睡上一晚好觉是再幸福不过的事;也可能在74岁,才遇见适合相处余生的伴侣。 人生中途,过去的必然会有苦痛与遗憾,但也有种种美好等待你去经历。重要的是学会换上新的眼光,如初生纯粹,如长者豁达。一生有很多种过法,等到有一天我们懂了,啊,原来这样也可以是一辈子!是多么难得可贵的体悟。 生命本没有标准答案,原来人生的大事,都在生活小事里,当你能重新看见点点美好,就是给自己的一份礼物。 In HUNDRED, the simple pleasures and hard lessons of each age are gorgeously presented as a full color, illustrated journey of the passage of time. What did you learn in life? At age 3? At 21? What about 45? 65? 80 and beyond? How can you share this wisdom with the people you love? Your first smile, kiss, true love. The breakthroughs that come with age and experience. The realizations we have about ourselves and the world as the number of candles on your cake creeps up. There is so much to learn. In this beautiful fully illustrated book, you'll follow, page by page, year by year, the course of a lifetime as each of us learns the little things that together make up a whole life. A perfect gift for holidays, birthdays, graduations, and that special friend, HUNDRED, like Dr. Seuss's Oh, The Places You'll Go, is a book destined to become a perennial favorite. Heike Faller is an editor at the Zeit magazine in Germany. Hundred is her first book published in the United States. Valerio Vidaliis an Italian illustrator who lives in Berlin. His work has received many awards, and two of his books have been selected by the New York Times for Best Illustrated Books, in 2013 for Jemmy Button and in 2018 for The Forest. 作者-海可·法乐(Heike Faller)为德国《时代周刊》编辑。这本书要献给她的侄女宝拉和洛妲,写作构想在她们还是小宝宝的时候诞生,几年后,她们也热心协助完成了这本书。 绘者-瓦勒里奥·维达利(Valerio Vidali)是意大利插画家,现居于柏林。年纪比海可小,不过比海可的侄女大。作品屡屡获奖。 1234567