内容摘要 这本独特的礼品书变成了一个装饰物,包括来自世界各地的十只心爱的鸟。每只鸟都栖息在一个模切的树枝上,你可以从页面“弹出”。只需摘下夹克,弹出鸟儿,然后将这本书变成一种异想天开的装置,以便在桌子或架子上展示。随附的文字详细介绍了每只鸟的特殊属性:蓝杰的聪明才智,红腹灰雀的忠诚度以及印加杰伊的家庭奉献精神。这本书是鸟类观察者或大自然爱好者的精彩礼物,还有一张弹出式“往返”卡片,因此您可以将它专门用于特别的人。 本书中的鸟类包括:东方蓝鸟,晚霞蝎,红腹灰雀,波希米亚雀鸟,精湛的椋鸟,丽晶花园鸟,印加杰伊,古尔丁芬奇,北红衣主教和蓝杰伊。 退房的其他书籍在这一系列商标:快乐的一天:在一本书花束,你的思考:一个花束的一本书,多肉植物在一本书,和党的一本书。 This unique gift book transforms into a decorative object, featuring ten beloved birds from around the world. Each bird is perched on a die-cut branch that you can “pop up” from the page. Simply take the jacket off, pop up the birds, and turn this book into a whimsical arrangement to display on a desk or shelf. The accompanying text details the special attributes of each bird: the resourcefulness of the Blue Jay, the loyalty of the Bullfinch, and the family devotion of the Inca Jay. A wonderful gift for a bird-watcher or nature enthusiast, this book also features a pop-up “to/from” card, so you can dedicate it to someone special. Birds featured in this book include: Eastern Bluebird, Evening Grosbeak, Bullfinch, Bohemian Waxwing, Superb Starling, Regent Bowerbird, Inca Jay, Gouldian Finch, Northern Cardinal, and Blue Jay. Check out the other books in this trademarked series: Happy Day: A Bouquet in a Book, Thinking of You: A Bouquet in a Book, Succulents in a Book, and Party in a Book.