内容摘要 “该死,塞班人可以做饭-这个光荣的食物和乡村的完美大使”-汤姆·帕克·鲍尔斯(Tom Parker Bowles) “伦敦最酷的女厨师之一”-超时 在泰国很难找到严格的素食,因为鱼露是厨房的国王。这本出色的书为您的素食曲目增添了许多令人振奋的新食谱。这道出色的续集以汤姆百胜混合蘑菇,咖喱Panang咖喱豆腐,茄子炒茄子和胡桃红咖喱等地道菜肴为特色,为Rosa的食谱增添了新的活力。 Damn, Saiphin can cook - the perfect ambassador for this glorious food and country' - Tom Parker Bowles 'One of London's coolest female chefs' - Timeout Finding strictly vegetarian food in Thailand can be tricky, where fish sauce is the king of the kitchen. This brilliant book adds a wealth of exciting new recipes to your vegetarian repertoire. Featuring authentic dishes such as Tom yum mixed mushrooms, Panang curry with tofu, stir fried aubergine with soybean sauce and Butternut red curry, this brilliant sequel adds an exciting new strand to Rosa's repetoire.