内容摘要 检查员哈里·霍尔调查奥斯陆连环杀手的目标的警察在本期的尤·奈斯博的纽约时报畅销书系列。 多年来,哈里·霍尔侦探一直是奥斯陆每一次重大刑事调查的中心。多年来,他卓越的洞察力和对工作的奉献挽救了无数人的生命。但随着凶手越来越大胆,媒体的反应越来越歇斯底里,侦探却无处可寻。这一次,当他*爱和*珍视的人面临可怕的危险时,哈利没有能力保护任何人——尤其是他自己。 Inspector Harry Hole investigates a serial killer targeting Oslo’s police officers in this installment of Jo Nesb?’s New York Times bestselling series. For years, detective Harry Hole has been at the center of every major criminal investigation in Oslo. His brilliant insights and dedication to his job have saved countless lives over the years. But as the killer grows increasingly bold and the media reaction increasingly hysterical, the detective is nowhere to be found. This time, when those he loves and values most are facing terrible danger, Harry is in no position to protect anyone—least of all himself.