商品简介 In Highland Fling, a set of completely incompatible and hilariously eccentric characters collide in a Scottish castle, where bright young things play pranks on their stodgy elders until the frothy plot climaxes in ghost sightings and a dramatic fire. Inspired in part by Mitford's own youthful infatuation with a Scottish aristocrat, her story follows young Jane Dacre to a shooting party at Dulloch Castle, where she tramps around a damp and chilly moor on a hunting expedition with formidable Lady Prague, xenophobic General Murgatroyd, one-eyed Admiral Wenceslaus, and an assortment of other ancient and gouty peers of the realm, while falling in love with Albert, a surrealist painter with a mischievous sense of humor. Lighthearted and sparkling with witty banter, Highland Fling was Mitford's first foray into the delightful fictional world for which she later became so celebrated. 在《高地狂欢》中,一群完全不相容且滑稽古怪的角色在一座苏格兰城堡中发生冲突,聪明的年轻人对他们古板的长辈恶作剧,直到鬼魂目击和戏剧性的火灾使泡沫情节达到高潮。她的故事部分受到米特福德年轻时对一位苏格兰贵族的迷恋的启发,讲述了年轻的简·达克雷 (Jane Dacre) 参加杜洛赫城堡 (Dulloch Castle) 的射击派对,在那里,她与令人敬畏的布拉格夫人、仇外的穆加特罗伊德将军 (Murgatroyd) 一起在潮湿寒冷的荒原上进行狩猎探险。目光敏锐的瓦茨劳斯海军上将,以及该国其他一群患有痛风病的古代同侪,同时爱上了阿尔伯特,一位具有顽皮幽默感的超现实主义画家。 《高地狂欢》轻松愉快,充满诙谐的玩笑,是米特福德首次涉足令人愉快的虚构世界,后来她因此而闻名。