商品简介 伦敦的自然历史博物馆是世界上*重要和*全面的自然历史标本、文学和艺术品的收藏之一。这本书是对博物馆200多件*珍贵藏品的庆祝,其中包括举世闻名的标本和鲜为人知的古董。珍宝是从陈列的物品和藏在幕后的物品中选择的。 每一个都是根据其科学意义、引人注目的美或引人入胜的故事而选出的——有时三者兼而有之。在许多特殊的自然奇观中,特色是:一个罕见的火星陨石;达尔文著名的雀类标本;恐龙重晶石致命的爪子;地球上最早的生命形式之一;还有一些穿着整洁的跳蚤。这本书还包括了宏伟的博物馆建筑本身和它的许多建筑珍品。 每个条目背后都有有趣的故事,“自然历史博物馆的宝藏”是博物馆无与伦比的收藏品中最精彩的展示。 The Natural History Museum, London is home to one of the world's most important and comprehensive collections of natural history specimens, literature and artworks. This book is a celebration of over 200 of the Museum's most exceptional possessions including world-famous specimens and little-known curiosities. The treasures are selected both from objects on display and those stored behind the scenes. Each one is chosen for its scientific importance, striking beauty or intriguing story - and sometimes all three. Among the many exceptional natural wonders featured are: a rare meteorite from Mars; Darwin's celebrated finch specimens; a lethal claw from the dinosaur Baryonyx; one of the first forms of life on Earth; and, some immaculately dressed fleas. The book also includes the magnificent Museum building itself with its many architectural treasures. With intriguing stories behind each entry, "Treasures of the Natural History Museum" is a fascinating insight into the best of the Museum's unrivalled collections.