商品简介 The armored divisions were the shock force of the US Army's combat formations during the fighting in Northwest Europe in the final year of the war. Of the 16 such divisions formed during the war, all but one served in the European Theater of Operations. This book examines the organizational structure, operational doctrine and combat mission of these divisions from D-Day onwards, describing how doctrines and tactics were changed as the divisions were forced to adapt to the battlefield realities of combat against an experienced foe. The lessons drawn by the armored divisions from the bitter fighting in Northwest Europe from 1944 to 1945 strongly shaped postwar US Army doctrine.装甲师是战争*后一年西北欧战斗中美军作战编队的突击力量。战争期间组建的 16 个此类师中,除了一个之外,所有师都在欧洲战区服役。本书探讨了从诺曼底登陆日起这些师的组织结构、作战条令和作战任务,描述了当这些师被迫适应与经验丰富的敌人作战的战场现实时,条令和战术是如何变化的。装甲师从 1944 年至 1945 年西北欧的惨烈战斗中吸取的教训强烈影响了战后美国陆军的学说。