内容摘要 书名:Grit坚毅:释放激情与坚持的力量 作者:Angela Duckworth 出版社名称:Vermilion 出版时间:2017 语种:英文 ISBN:9781785040207 商品尺寸:12.6 x 2.8 x 19.8 cm 包装:平装 页数:464(以实物为准) ★在美国,该理念席卷美国教育界,被美国前总统奥巴马等名人推荐引用。在中国,《坚毅》被杨澜、李恩祐、古典、汪冰、王煜全联袂推荐。 ★著名TED演讲人、知名心理学家安杰拉?达克沃斯首部力作,同名TED演讲点击量超过千万余次。 ★作者安杰拉?达克沃思认为,若要成功,坚毅的品格比智商和情商更为重要!用公式来表示,就是:天赋X努力=技巧;技巧X努力=成就。可见,一个人如果不努力,那么才华只是他的潜能。如果用自己学得的技巧再加上努力,每天都让自己有所进步,这样才会成功。 ★在安杰拉?达克沃思看来,若要培养坚毅的品格,我们就要找到并发展自己的兴趣,并坚持练习,用内在的热情努力实现自己的人生目标。此外,坚毅的品格可以从儿时开始培养,为人父母者应无条件地爱孩子、支持孩子,经常给予他们正面鼓励,让他们学会坚持、学会直面挫败,明白“坚持就是胜利”的人生哲理。 ★正如安杰拉?达克沃思所说,“坚毅所蕴含的力量,能帮助你实现自己的潜能”。 Review "GRIT is a persuasive and fascinating response to the cult of IQ fundamentalism. Duckworth reminds us that it is character and perseverance that set the successful apart." (Malcolm Gladwell) "Impressively fresh and original … GRIT scrubs away preconceptions about how far our potential can take us. And it solves the riddle of how those not likely to succeed in fact do. Buy this, send copies to your friends, and tell the world that there is, in fact, hope. We can all dazzle." (Susan Cain, New York Times bestselling author) "At a time when our collective notion of success has shrunk to the point of being unrecognizable, Angela Duckworth arrives to restore it. With a mix of masterful storytelling and the latest science, she shows that perseverance and passion matter at least as much as talent and intelligence. And far from simply urging us to work harder for the sake of working harder, Grit offers a truly sane perspective: that true success comes when we devote ourselves to endeavors that give us joy and purpose." (Arianna Huffington, bestselling author of Thrive) "This book will change your life. Fascinating, rigorous, and practical, Grit is destined to be a classic in the literature of success." (Dan Heath, bestselling co-author of Made to Stick, Switch and Decisive) "Angela Duckworth has written a contemporary classic - a clarifying and deeply-researched book in the tradition of Stephen Covey and Carol Dweck. For anyone hoping to work smarter or live better, GRIT is an essential - and perhaps life-changing - read." (Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive and To Sell is Human) 很多人认为,成功的要素在于智商与情商。但宾夕法尼亚大学心理学副教授安杰拉?达克沃思通过研究发现,坚毅的品质对成功起到了关键性的作用。 达克沃思教授从2007年开始对“坚毅”(GRIT)进行研究,她的研究成果已发布在美国各大学术杂志上。她认为,坚毅比天赋更能预测一个人未来的表现。在遇到挫折、失败时,仍能坚持不懈地朝着自己的目标努力,这才是决定长期成功的因素。 本书基于大量研究案例,同时也引用了作者的亲身经历及她采访过的诸多坚毅典范,包括商业精英、艺术家、教育家、运动员及军事家等。事实证明,我们不仅可以通过训练提高自己的坚毅指数,而且应该从孩子的教育阶段就开始重视坚毅品质的培养,比如多让孩子参加课外活动,并且一定要让他们在某项课外活动中坚持一年以上的时间。 本书能够让我们看到关于成功的另一面,那就是:发现自己的兴趣所在,找到自己的人生使命,在挫败中不断磨炼自己,成为一个坚毅的人,拥有自己想要的生活。 In this must-read for anyone seeking to succeed, pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth takes us on an eye-opening journey to discover the true qualities that lead to outstanding achievement. Winningly personal, insightful and powerful, Grit is a book about what goes through your head when you fall down, and how that – not talent or luck – makes all the difference. 安杰拉·达克沃思(Angela Duckworth)曾作为美国国家科学基金会研究员获得宾夕法尼亚大学的博士学位,目前为宾夕法尼亚大学心理学副教授。她于2013年荣获美国麦克阿瑟学者奖。 2013年,达克沃思进行了名为“坚毅:释放激情与坚持的力量”的TED演讲,并获得了全球各界人士的关注。截至目前,其点击量已超过1000万。 此外,她也是非营利性组织“性格实验室”(the Character Lab)的联合创始人,此机构旨在发展、宣传并支持提高学生成绩及心理健康的干预项目。 Dr Angela Duckworth is a 2013 MacArthur Fellow and an associate professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. She is an expert in non-IQ competencies, including grit and self-control. A highly sought-after international speaker, her TED talk on grit has been viewed by over 10 million people. Duckworth’s hypothesis that the real guarantor of success may not be inborn talent but a special blend of resilience and single-mindedness grew out of her upbringing: as a child her scientist father lovingly bemoaned the fact his daughter was ‘no genius’. Duckworth was determined to prove him wrong and spent her youth smashing through every academic barrier. As an adult she became focused on proving her theory and to find out if grit can be learned or cultivated. It was out of this that she created her own Character Lab at the University of Pennsylvania. 1234567