内容摘要 《我年轻时的朋友》收录了诺贝尔文学奖得主艾丽丝·门罗在创作成熟期的十篇短篇小说佳作。门罗把日常生活的片段编织成精巧的故事和寓言,在这语言之光的照耀之下,平凡的人生翩翩起舞,无论是稍纵即逝的爱,还是长久默默的陪伴,无论是古井无波的生活,还是忽如其来的改变,都被呈现纸上,读来令人回肠荡气。 WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE(R) IN LITERATURE 2013 The ten miraculously accomplished stories in Alice Munro's Friend of My Youth not only astonish and delight but also convey the unspoken mysteries at the heart of all human experience. [Friend of My Youth is] a wonderful collection of stories, beautifully written and deeply felt.--Michiko Kakutani, New York Times