The unpredictable events of a particular Tuesday unroll beforethe reader with the precision and clarity of a silent movie. ACaldecott Medal book.
大卫·威斯纳(DavidWiesner),出生于美国新泽西州,毕业于罗德岛设计学院,专攻插画。为美国顶尖插画家,国际大奖的常胜将军。他的作品向来广受各方瞩目,多次赢得美国凯迪克大奖评审青睐,还曾获得美国图书馆学会推荐童书、蓝缎带好书榜、《号角》杂志评选最佳童书、纽约市立图书馆好书100、《纽约时报》年度推荐童书、《亲子》杂志阅读魔力奖、《出版人周刊》杂志年度最佳好书、《学校图书馆》杂志年度最佳好书等奖项 David Wiesner's interest in visual storytelling dates backto high school days when he made silent movies and drew wordlesscomic books. Born and raised in Bridgewater, New Jersey, hegraduated from the Rhode Island School of Design with a BFA inIllustration. While a student, he created a painting nine feetlong, which he now recognizes as the genesis of Free Fall, hisfirst book of his own authorship, for which he was awarded aCaldecott Honor Medal in 1989. David won his first Caldecott Medalin 1992 for Tuesday, and he has gone on to win twice more: in 2002for The Three Pigs and in 2007 for Flotsam. He is only the secondperson in the award's history to win the Caldecott Medal threetimes. David and his wife, Kim Kahng, and their two children livenear Philadelphia, where he devotes full time to illustration andshe pursues her career as a surgeon.