目录 目录 宋代政治史研究 重建秩序:北宋初期对南方政区的调整 安北江(3) 北宋前中期三馆馆职选任研究 晁芊桦(18) 从缄默无言到立国元气:宋代台谏兼职现象探究 范帅(29) 宋代赐谥制度的演进与运行 冯盛(45) 灾患与造神:宋代三圣神信仰的生成与传衍 付邦(61) 宋元法制史研究 畛域身份诉请:两宋“不干己之法”之运行轨迹与内在逻辑 陈玺(73) 宋代省记与法律构建 王鹤(85) 《宋史》张琥“坐奏事不实”解职考 夏文登(100) 元代监察御史录囚问题研究 展可鑫(113) 宋代文化史研究 唐宋仰山山神信仰与佛教关系变迁探析 吕萌园(127) 《参天台五台山记》所见宋代日僧成寻航海生活 刘文祥 刘丽 吴启琳(141) 秦桧与宋代佛教天台宗关系新探 王红星(152) 危素与《宋史》的因缘考述 吴竺轩(164) “济道术之穷”:刘咸炘与蒙文通关于宋代学术交流三题 贾红霞(175) 梅尧臣在官场的馈赠交游与诗歌酬答 ——基于官阶与收入视角的考察 董灏 马振颖(188) 宋代思想史研究 出世与入世的交融 ——范成大社会角色探论 郭学信(203) 苏轼贬谪黄州期间的人际网络与心态转变——以书简为考察中心 隋胜男(213) 论浙东学派骨干中坚人物唐仲友——兼析朱熹劾唐六状 方如金(230) 戴栩及其思想研究——兼论南宋晚期永嘉学派的衰微 陈安 金张彪(241) 文献与考证 宋代《礼义城图》再考 蒋晓春(253) 北宋赵珣《聚米图经》辑考 李鹏飞(268) 补史与新证:新出土北宋吕通、吕蕡、吕大忠墓志考释 侯承相(276) 赵子柳墓记三考 金传道(289) 新见宋代记体文一百二十二篇 胡晓(302) 再论《方舆胜览》的编纂及文献价值——基于江东路部分的考察 常泽宇(329) “官”款含义新探——以唐宋“官”“新官”款白瓷为中心 赵凡奇(339) 吕惠卿家族世系考 吴长城(351) 宋代墓志所见宋人经籍辑考 宋红玉(366) 辽夏金元史研究 云州之盟系年考释——后唐历史书写的一个侧面 刘应莎(383) “名随代迁”:辽代契丹语贵贱名研究 孙鹏飞(393) 《王唯景墓志铭》及所见辽代医官设置考 唐博闻 李玉君(406) 中华本《续资治通鉴长编》民族语名勘误 谭强 杨浣(415) 西夏军抄的财产及继承 李胜玉(429) 综述 辽朝翰林院制度研究述评 魏臻 高福顺(443) 20世纪90年代以来宋代士大夫社会建设思想及实践研究综述 马斗成 董逸豪(453) Contents Research on Political History of the Song Dynasty Rebuilding the Order: Adjustment of Southern Administrative Regions in the Early Northern Song Dynasty An Beijiang(3) Research on the Selection and Appointment of the Officials in the Three Institutes During the Early and Middle Periods of the Northern Song DynastyChao Qianhua(18) From Keeping Silent to Becoming the Roots of the Country: The Study on the Taijian’s Phenomenon of Part-Time Job in the Song Dynasty Fan Shuai(29) The Evolution and Operation of Posthumous Title Granting System in the Song Dynasty Feng Sheng(45) Calamities and Deity Creation: The Generation and Development of the Three-Immortals Belief in the Song Dynasty Fu Bang(61) Research on the History of Legal System in the Song and Yuan Dynasties Boundaries, Identities and Appeals: The Running Trajectory and the Internal Logic of “Non-Self-Interested Litigation” in the Song Dynasty Chen Xi(73) Shengji and Legal Construction in the Song Dynasty Wang He(85) A Study on Zhang Hu’s Dismissal on Account of the “Impractical Statement to the Emperor” in the History of the Song Dynasty Xia Wendeng(100) A Study on the Prison-Checking of Investigating Censors in the Yuan Dynasty Zhan Kexin(113) Research on the Cultural History of the Song Dynasty An Analysis of the Change in the Relationship Between the Belief in Mountain Gods and Buddhism in Yangshan During the Tang and Song Dynasties Lü Mengyuan(127) The Maritime Life of the Japanese Monk Cheng Xun in the Song Dynasty Witnessed from Can Tiantai Wutai Shan Ji Liu Wenxiang Liu Li Wu Qilin(141) A New Exploration into the Relationship Between Qin Hui and the Tiantai Sect of Buddhism in the Song Dynasty Wang Hongxing(152) Textual Research on the Relationship of Wei Su and the History of the Song Dynasty Wu Zhuxuan(164) Saving the Academic Crisis of Daoism: Three Discussions on Academic Exchanges in the Song Dynasty Between Liu Xianxin and Meng Wentong Jia Hongxia(175) Mei Yaochen’s Gift for Socializing and Poetry Rewards in the Officialdom: An Examination Based on the Perspective of Official Rank andIncome Dong Hao Ma Zhenying(188) Research on the History of Thought in the Song Dynasty The Combination of Beyond-Secularity and In-secularity: An Analysis of the Social Role of Fan Chengda Guo Xuexin(203) Interpersonal Networks and Change of Mindset During Su Shi’s Relegation in Huangzhou: A Study Centred on Letters Sui Shengnan(213) On Tang Zhongyou, a key Figure in the Zhejiang East School: An Analysis of Zhu Xi’s Impeachment of Tang Liu Shi Fang Rujin(230) Dai Xu and His Thought Research: On the Decline of Yongjia School in the Late Southern Song Dynasty Chen Anjin Zhang Biao(241) Literature and Textual Research Further Research on The Map of Liyi City in the Song Dynasty Jiang Xiaochun(253) An Analysis on the Zhao Xun’s Ju Mi Tu Jing of the Northern Song Dynasty Li Pengfei(268) Replenishing History and New Evidence: Textual Research on Newly Unearthed Epigraphs of Lü Tong, Lü Fen and Lü Dazhong in Northern Song DynastyHou Chengxiang(276) Three Studies of the Epitaph of Zhao Ziliu Jin Chuandao(289) A Study on One hundred and Twenty-Two Newly Discovered Ji Prose of the Song Dynasty Hu Xiao(302) Further Discussions on the Compilation and the Literature Value of Fang Yu Sheng lan: A Study Based on the Investigation ofJiangdong RoadChang Zeyu(329) A New Exploration of the Meaning of “Guan”: Centered on the “Guan” and “Xin Guan” White Porcelain of the Tang and Song Dynasties Zhao Fanqi(339) Research on the Genealogy of Lü Huiqing’s FamilyWu Changcheng(351) Compilation and Investigation on the Confucian Classics of the Song People in the Epitaph of the Song Dynasty Song Hongyu(366) Research on the History of L