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作者[德]伊曼努尔·康德(Immanuel Kant) 著 张进 李日容 导读 注释
(一) 学术经典提供思想源泉
(二) 学术经典传承精神力量
中国思想传统中的基本理念和西方思想传统中的基本理念分别形成了东西方两大具有普遍价值的道德观念和价值系统。值得注意的是:(1) 这两大道德系统应该是一个互补、互鉴的整体,两者都不可偏废,因为人类的思想是个多元整体。任何一个民族,缺少其中之一,在精神上都可能是不完整的;(2) 这些基本理念都不是抽象概念,它们都具有很强的实践意义,并且必须由实践来考察,否则就很难体现其价值。
(三) 学术经典构成文化积淀
“文化”包含三大部分:(1) 思想与精神现象;(2) 制度与习俗;(3) 有形的事物。学术经典是对思想与精神现象的归纳和提炼,对制度与习俗的探究和设计,对有形事物的形而上思考和描述。
(四) 学术经典推动社会进步
2018 年10 月
《判断力批判》可分为三大部分:“序言·导言” “审美判断力批判” 和 “目的论判断力批判”。在书中,康德寻求两个分割的世界的沟通,认为自由的道德律令要在感性的现实世界实现出来,其中介是反思判断力。既带知性性质,又带理性性质,从特殊去寻求普遍的反思判断力按照“自然合目的性”来沟通认识与道德两大领域,实现自然界的必然王国与道德界的自由王国的和谐,康德在认识论和伦理学之间建构一反思判断,终完成了其先验论哲学体系。《判断力批判》出版后受到整个欧洲哲学界、美学界的重视,对费希特、席勒、谢林、叔本华等人都产生过深刻影响,是德国古典美学的奠基著作。
伊曼努尔·康德(Immanuel Kant, 1724-1804),西方近代哲学的核心人物。他综合了近代早期哲学的经验主义与理性主义,为19世纪和20世纪的大部分哲学奠定了基础,直到今天,康德哲学在形而上学、认识论、伦理学、政治哲学、美学以及其他领域仍有着重要影响。
导 读
— 001 —
— 001 —
— 007 —
I On the Division of Philosophy
— 007 —
II On the Domain of Philosophy in General
— 011 —
III On the Critique of Judgment as Mediating the Connection of the Two Parts of Philosophy to [Form] a Whole
— 015 —
IV On Judgment as a Power That Legislates A Priori
— 018 —
V The Principle of the Formal Purposiveness of Nature Is a Transcendental Principle of Judgment
— 021 —
VI On the Connection of the Feeling of Pleasure with the Concept of the Purposiveness of Nature
— 028 —
VII On the Aesthetic Presentation of the Purposiveness of Nature
— 031 —
VIII On the Logical Presentation of the Purposiveness of Nature
— 035 —
IX How Judgment Connects the Legislations of the Understanding and of Reason
— 038 —
Part I Critique of Aesthetic Judgment
— 043 —
Part II Critique of Teleological Judgment
— 233 —
First Introduction to the Critique of Judgment
— 397 —
— 461 —
《判断力批判》可分为三大部分:“序言·导言” “审美判断力批判” 和 “目的论判断力批判”。在书中,康德寻求两个分割的世界的沟通,认为自由的道德律令要在感性的现实世界实现出来,其中介是反思判断力。既带知性性质,又带理性性质,从特殊去寻求普遍的反思判断力按照“自然合目的性”来沟通认识与道德两大领域,实现自然界的必然王国与道德界的自由王国的和谐,康德在认识论和伦理学之间建构一反思判断,终完成了其先验论哲学体系。《判断力批判》出版后受到整个欧洲哲学界、美学界的重视,对费希特、席勒、谢林、叔本华等人都产生过深刻影响,是德国古典美学的奠基著作。
伊曼努尔·康德(Immanuel Kant, 1724-1804),西方近代哲学的核心人物。他综合了近代早期哲学的经验主义与理性主义,为19世纪和20世纪的大部分哲学奠定了基础,直到今天,康德哲学在形而上学、认识论、伦理学、政治哲学、美学以及其他领域仍有着重要影响。
On the Division of Philosophy
Insofar as philosophy contains principles for the rational cognition of things through concepts (and not merely, as logic does, principles of the form of thought in general without distinction of objects), it is usually divided into theoretical and practical. That division is entirely correct, provided there is also a difference in kind between the concepts that assign to the principles of this rational cognition their respective objects: otherwise the concepts would not justify a division, since a division presupposes that the principles of the rational cognition pertaining to the different parts of a science are opposed to one another.
There are, however, only two kinds of concepts, which [thus] allow for two different principles concerning the possibility of their respective objects. These are the concepts of nature and the concept of freedom. Concepts of nature make possible a theoretical cognition governed by a priori principles, whereas the very concept of freedom carries with it, as far as nature is concerned, only a negative principle (namely, of mere opposition), but gives rise to expansive principles for the determination of the will, which are therefore called practical; hence we are right to divide philosophy into two parts that are quite different in their principles: theoretical or natural philosophy, and practical or moral philosophy (morality is the term we use for reason’s practical legislation governed by the concept of freedom). In the past, however, these terms have been badly misused for dividing the different principles and along with them philosophy. For no distinction was made between the practical governed by concepts of nature and the practical governed by the concept of freedom, with the result that the same terms, theoretical and practical philosophy, were used to make a division that in fact did not divide anything (since the two parts might have the same kind of principles).
For the will, as the power of desire, is one of the many natural causes in the world, namely, the one that acts in accordance with concepts; and whatever we think of as possible (or necessary) through a will we call practically possible (or necessary), as distinguished from the physical possibility or necessity of an effect whose cause is not determined to [exercise] its causality through concepts (but through mechanism, as in the case of lifeless matter, or through instinct, as in the case of animals). It is here, concerning the practical, that people leave it undetermined whether the concept that gives the rule to the will’s causality is a concept of nature or a concept of freedom.
Yet this distinction is essential. For if the concept that determines[the exercise of] the causality is a concept of nature, then the principles will be technically practical; but if it is a concept of freedom, then the principles will be morally practical. And since the division of a rational science [-wissenschaft] depends entirely on that difference between the respective objects which requires different principles for [their] cognition, the technically practical principles will belong to theoretical philosophy (natural science [-lehre]), while the morally practical ones alone will form the second part, practical philosophy (moral theory [-lehre]).
All technically practical rules (i.e., those of art and of skill in general, or for that matter of prudence, i.e., skill in influencing people’s volition), insofar as their principles rest on concepts, must be included only in theoretical philosophy, as corollaries. For they concern nothing but the possibility of things according to concepts of nature; and this includes not only the means we find in nature for producing them, but even the will (as power of desire and hence as a natural power), as far as it can be determined, in conformity with the mentioned rules, by natural incentives. However, such practical rules are not called laws (as are, e.g., physical laws), but only precepts. This is because the will is subject not merely to the concept of nature, but also to the concept of freedom; and it is in relation to the latter that the will’s principles are called laws. Only these latter principles, along with what follows from them, form the second, i.e., the practical, part of philosophy.
The point is this: Solving the problems of pure geometry does not belong t
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