Toys 1. Do you like toys? Well, Yes I do, but not as much as I was a child. I mean, when I was a little kid, I spent almost all my leisure time with my Barbie dolls and Lego bricks, but now I only like a few kinds of stuffed toys. 2. Are toys very important to you? Well, not really, I mean compared with digital gadgets like computers and phones, toys just seem unimportant at all, maybe just because I’m not a very nostalgic person. 3. What sorts of people like toys? Well, I guess people who have strong emotional attachment to their childhood would like toys, probably because toys can give them a sense of security and remind them of their happy childhood. 4. What sorts of toys did you like when you were a kid? Oh, just like most girls, I like stuffed toys like teddy bears as well as Barbie dolls simply because I feel like a grown-up lady when taking care of my dolls. 5. Did your parents give them to you? Yes, my parents are very generous to me and sometimes even spoiled me, probably because I’m the only child in the family. 6. Do you still have any of your old toys? I still keep an old teddy