前言 在规划编写本书版之前,我们对专业英语教学就有过明确定位,认为专业英语不同于纯粹英语语言教学之处在于,专业英语拥有自成体系的专业内容。基于此,我们将金融学核心的基础知识体系融入教材编写中,按横纵两条线索组织内容,在兼顾英语语言运用的同时,强调金融专业知识内在的完整性和系统性。 再版后的《金融英语》做了以下修订。 (1) 第二版保留了版理论知识部分的编写思路,体例不变,知识点在原有基础上进行适当增删。对版中出现的输入错误进行了修正。 (2) 新增Warmingup Listening,填补了版中听力材料的空白。扫描二维码即可进行听力练习,练习形式包括对话、短文与写句子。听力训练强调在金融实务中运用英语语言的能力,真正做到将语言学习的听、说、读、写四个环节与专业知识的学习有机结合起来。 (3) 为进一步增加学生说英语的机会,改版后的教材删除了每章课前的小短文,增加了Prereading Discussion。根据每一章的知识点,精心设计了三个与实际经济生活息息相关的讨论话题,引导学生主动开口,带着好奇心与兴趣开始每一章专业知识的学习。 (4) 虽然本书主体内容属于金融学基础性的知识体系,不存在过时与否的问题,但为了增强教材的时代感,提升相对晦涩枯燥的专业教材的可读性,我们删除了版中的课后阅读材料,新增了Finance in Our Daily Life专栏,编排了“个人信用评级”(Your Credit Rating)“不要赌汇率”(Dont Bet on Exchange Rates)“你的风险承受度”(Your Risk Tolerance)“典当行”(Pawnshops)“要不要买黄金”(Should You Buy Gold)“为什么通货膨胀对我们不利”(Why Inflation Is Bad for You)“你的超额储备”(Your Excess Reserves)以及“房子是用来住的”(A Home Is a Place to Live)等专业文章。体例清新,界面亲和,让读者能轻松地体验到运用金融专业知识解析不断发展的金融问题和金融现象的乐趣,真正做到学以致用。 改版后的《金融英语》教材,体例、结构更加合理,更加符合年轻人的学习、阅读习惯,能显著提高金融英语课程的教学质量与教学效果。 本书在编写过程中参阅了许多相关书籍与教材,我们以书后参考文献的形式列出,在此表示衷心的感谢。 本书由陶艳珍、顾艳辉编著,本次修订工作由陶艳珍负责。由于编著者学识水平有限,书中疏漏或不妥之处在所难免,恳请各位同仁批评、指正。
Learning Objectives 1. To learn the origin and definition of money. 2. To understand how the existence of money facilitates the development of an economy. 3. To understand the functions of money. 4. To grasp the evolution of the payment system. 5. To learn about monetary system, including present Chinas monetary system.
Warmingup Listening
扫描二维码即可开始听力练习。 Directions: Listen to the dialogue carefully and choose the best answer to each question you hear after the dialogue.
1. A. U.S. dollar, pound sterling and Hong Kong dollar.
B. U.S. dollar, pound sterling and Japanese yen.
C. Hong Kong dollar, pound sterling and Japanese yen.
D. U.S. dollar, pound sterling and Deutsche Mark. 2. A. It stands for the European Currency Unit.
B. It stands for the European Currency Union.
C. It stands for English Currency Union.
D. It stands for England Currency Unit. 3. A. 11 B. 13 C. 15 D. 17 4. A. January 1, 1999 B. July 1, 1999
C. January 1, 2002 D. July 1, 2002 5. A. 11 B. 13 C. 14 D. 15 Prereading Discussion 1. Do you want as much money as you can get? 2. Compare money with wealth and income. 3. Imagine what would happen if 10,000 commodities can be produced in a society without money. Text 1.1The Origin and Definition of Money 1.1.1Market Economy and Exchange Activities
The emergence of money is closely linked to the development of exchange system, and market economy is in fact an economy of exchange. So the study of money should be based on the analysis of market economy. Historically, the division of labor is prerequisite for the emergence of the market economy. It is because of the natural differences in each persons talent, character and hobby that division of labor occurred. These differences formed each persons feature and determined what one could do, produce or what kind of services one could provide. In the course of social development, people were always not content with the present conditions and often hoped to gain most at the low