基本信息 书名:中国经典儿童文学走向世界-奔跑的岱二牛 定价:110.00元 作者:黄蓓佳著,石苛力 译 出版社:海豚出版社 出版日期:2021-08-01 ISBN:9787511057600 字数: 页码:176 版次: 装帧:平装 开本:16开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 适读人群 :6-14岁 直击新农村建设带来的变化 聚焦新时代农村儿童的成长 内容提要 《奔跑的岱二牛》是黄蓓佳的长篇小说。作者聚焦经济高速发展下农村的巨大变化及这个过程中乡村儿童的精神面貌、生活状况。 大片大片明艳妩媚的粉黛乱子草,让红草坝成了乡村旅游的新热门景点。但岱二牛的父亲岱成材却沉浸在自己的“滑草板”实验中,对眼前的致富机会视而不见。瘦小细弱的岱二牛成了爸爸宏大理想的支持者。在一次失败的滑草实验后,岱二牛捡到一只昂贵的手机。为了归还这只手机,岱二牛开始在乡村和城市间奔走…… 本书中文版荣获2020年陈伯吹国际儿童文学奖图书(文字)奖。 Pink muhly grass brought a big change to Dai Erniu’s village. More and more people living iurbaareas traveled here to enjoy the beautiful countryside scenery. Villagers begato ruvillage inns or restaurants to make money, only Dai Erniu's father was still immersed ihis "grass skateboard experiments," and paid no attentioto those money-earning opportunities. Dai Erniu was the only supporter for his father. One day, after one fruitless experiment, Dai Erniu found a mobile phone which is rare to see ihis village. He kept it, hoping to find the owner, and embarked oa troublesome journal back and forth betweethe village and the city. 目录 Chapter 1 A Mobile Phone ithe Grass 01 Chapter 2 Flying Wings 25 Chapter 3 Mr. Rui and Ms. Murong 42 Chapter 4 The Police Room 56 Chapter 5 Ithe Tow67 Chapter 6 Brother Tieniu 83 Chapter 7 Mr. Rui 102 Chapter 8 The “Seated” Dai Chengcai 120 Chapter 9 Mr. Rui’s Love 131 Chapter 10 Wind Runner 145 作者介绍