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here is something incongruous, I think, in the picture we have of he small, reserved, arrogant,
effeminate figure of the little poet heltering behind the great walls of Pembroke College and the
orld-wide resounding, undiminishing glories of that poet’s most amous poem. Not that the poem does
not belong to the poet, but he psychological interest in Thomas Gray is that it is only at rare,
uddenly lit moments that we see into the soul of Gray. The year efore he died there was this little
portrait of him: ”Mr. Gray’s ingular niceness in the choice of his acquaintances makes him ppear
fastidious in a great degree to all who are not acquainted ith his manner. He is of a fastidious
and recluse distance of arriage, rather averse to all sociability but of the graver turn, nice and
elegant in his person, dress and behaviour, even to a
degree of finicality and effeminacy. ”
我想,我们都不难发现,诗人的画中形象与文学盛名间有种不协调:画中, 彭布罗克学院的高墙后庇护着的可怜诗人, 看起来矮小, 保守, 高
而又柔弱: 现实中, 他负盛名的诗歌享有世界声誉, 广为传颂,经久不衰。我不是说此诗并非出自这位诗人之手 , 而是说很少能有这一首代表着托马斯· 格雷真正内心志趣的诗, 瞬间点燃我们审视托马
斯· 格雷灵魂的欲念。在他逝世的一前年, 有这样一小段描述他的话:
“格雷先生对于择友格外讲究,这很大程度上使得那些不了解他行为方式的人认为他是一个挑剔的人。他为人挑剔、孤僻 , 而且厌恶所有社交动,但严格来说,他称得上是一个品性善良温文尔雅,穿着讲究,
举止得体之人, 甚至某种程度上, 有些做作和阴柔。“
e was, undoubtedly, effeminate in his manner, reserved, often rrogant and rude to those whom he did
not know, icy and hard on ccasions, and capable of grim sarcasm. So much of the superficial man.
The real Gray wrote one of the dozen great poems in the nglish language and was, for my own taste,
the most enchanting etter writer who ever lived, with Madame de S 的 i gne, Edward itzgerald and
Byron close behind him; he was one of the most oyal friends and was capable of a real and deep
passion in riendship even at the very end of his life when he was an aged nd sick man. He was one
of the most tender, chivalrous and
unselfish of sons and could be, when he trusted his company, one of the merriest talkers in
毫无疑问,他在举止上略显柔弱,保守,常常对他并不熟悉的人流露出 傲慢, 粗鲁的神色。有时候还有些冷淡严酷, 极尽挖苦之力。尽显一个肤浅人的行为举止。然而,在为数不多的伟大的英文诗歌中,其中一首
正是出自格雷之手,在我看来,他是有史以来魅力的书信体作家, 引塞维涅夫人(法国书信作家),爱德华·菲茨杰拉德(英国诗人、翻 译家)和拜伦(英国浪漫主义时期杰出诗人)紧随其后。他对朋友为
忠诚,纵使在生命的尽头,年迈羸弱的他依然对友谊抱有深厚真切的热 情。他侠骨柔情, 无私慷慨, 一旦同伴获得了他的信任, 他便口若悬河,成为欧洲数一数二的健谈者。
The exterior story of his life is very simple. Thomas Gray was born at his father’s house in
Cornhill, London, on the 26th December, 1716. Oddly enough, of his ancestry practically nothing is
known. Late in life, when he was famous, Baron Gray of Gray in Forfarshire claimed a re1ationship.
All Gray said was: ”I know no pretense that I have to the honour Lord Gray is pleased to do me; but
if His Lordship chooses to own me it certainly is not my business to deny it.” His father, Philip
Gray, son of a successful merchant, was born in 1676, and, towards his thirtieth year, he married
Miss Dorothy Antrobus, a Buckinghamshire lady, who, with her sister Mary, kept a Milliner’s Shop
in the City. In spite of their shop, however, these ladies belonged to a genteel family. Their
remaining sister,
Anna, was the wife of a prosperous country lawyer 一 Mr. Jonathan
Rogers-and the two brothers, Robert and Thomas Antrobus, were fellows at Cambridge colleges and
afterwards were tutors at Eton. These two sisters, Mary and Anna, Anna’s husband-Mr. Rogers, and
the two brothers must be mentioned in detail because they were of great importance in Gray’s
托马斯· 格雷的生平极其简单。他于1716年12月26日出生在伦敦康希尔区其父的家中。说来也奇, 他的身世鲜为人知。晚年, 在其声名鹊起之时,福
法尔郡(英国苏格兰原郡名)的格雷男爵声称与他有血缘关系。格雷只说了这样一句: “ 我无意炫耀格雷阁下乐于赐予的荣耀, 但如果
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