Android是一种基于Linux的自由及开放源代码的操作系统,主要使用于移动设备,如智能手机和平板电脑,由Google公司和开放手机联盟领导及开发。Android操作系统*初由Andy Rubin开发,主要支持手机。本书从基础、架构、安全、性能优化、新技术、测试等角度,通过简单的代码示例详尽地展示了 Android 开发技巧。本书全面介绍了Android应用开发的相关知识。
Srinivasa Rao Kotipalli (@sriniOx0 0) is a security researcher from India. He has extensive hands-on experience in performing web application, infrastructure, and mobile security assessments. He worked as a security consultant at Tata Consultancy Services India for two and a half years and later join9d a start-up in Malaysia. He has delivered training sessions on web, infrastructure, and mobile penetrahon testing for organizations across the world, in countries such as India, Malaysia, Brunei, and Vietnam. Through responsible disclosure programs, he has reported vulnerabilities in many top-notch orgaruzations. He holds a bachelor s degree in information technology and is OSCP certified. He blogs at www. androidpentesting . com and www.infosecinstitute.com.
Mohammed A.Imran (@secfigo) is an experienced application security engineer and the founder of null Singapore and null Hyderabad. With more than 6 years of experience in product security and consulting, he spends most of his time on penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, and source code reviews of web and mobile applications. He has helped telecom, banking, and software development houses create and maintain secure SDLC programs. He has also created and delivered training on application security and secure coding practices to students, enterprises, and government orgaruzations. He holds a master s degree in computer science and is actively involved in the information security community and organizes meetups regularly.
Android是一种基于Linux的自由及开放源代码的操作系统,主要使用于移动设备,如智能手机和平板电脑,由Google公司和开放手机联盟领导及开发。Android操作系统*初由Andy Rubin开发,主要支持手机。本书从基础、架构、安全、性能优化、新技术、测试等角度,通过简单的代码示例详尽地展示了 Android 开发技巧。本书全面介绍了Android应用开发的相关知识。