Chapter I China's Historic Achievements in Poverty
1. The New Era: Decisive Progress in the Fight Against Poverty
2. The New Era: Fight Against Poverty Has Widespread
3. The New Era: Fight Against Poverty Represents the Great
International Values of a Poverty Management System
Based on Targeted Poverty Alleviation
4. The International Community Highly Praises China's Poverty
Alleviation Achievements
Chapter 2 Where Did China's Poverty Alleviation
Approach Come From
1. 1921-1949: CPC's Early Exploration of Anti-Poverty Ideas
2. 1949-1978: Social System Reform and Relief-Oriented Poverty
3. 1978-2012: Reform and Opening up and Development-Oriented
Poverty Reduction
4. From 2012 Onwards: The Final Step in the Fight Against
Poverty to Welcome a Moderately Prosperous Society
in All Respects
Chapter 3 China's Thoughts on Poverty
1. The Evolution of China's Thoughts on Poverty Alleviation
2. The Origins of Xi Jinping's Thoughts on Poverty Alleviation
3. The Formation of Xi Jinping's Thoughts on Poverty Alleviation
4. The Contents of Xi Jinping's Thoughts on Poverty Alleviation
5. Xi Jinping's Thoughts on Poverty Alleviation Creating the New
System of Poverty Governance in China
Chapter 4 Top-Level Design
1. The Responsibility System of Poverty Elimination
2. Policy System for Poverty Elimination
3. The Input System for Poverty Elimination
4. The Mobilization System for Poverty Elimination
5. The Organization System
6. The Supervision System
7. The Performance Evaluation System
Chapter 5 Answer "Four Questions" with
"Six Precisions" / lO
1. To Whom Poverty Alleviation Is Directed - Identification
and Register of the Impoverished
2. Who to Carry Out Poverty Alleviation - From the Letter of
Commitment to Village-Stationed Assistance
3. How to Implement Poverty Alleviation - The Shift from
"Free Flooding" to "Precision Drip Irrigation
4. How to Exit the Poverty Alleviation Mechanism - Accurate
Assessments to Prevent Wrong Deregistering
Chapter 6 Categorized Measures for Targeted
Poverty Alleviation
1. Increase Production: Develop Businesses with Local Features