目录 精装豪宅Well-decorated Mansion 神秘魅力绽放,演绎纯正奢华的英伦格调 Mysterious Charm to Interpret Authentic British Style 泰式风情,一见倾心 Love Thai Style at the First Sight 奢华内敛中彰显尊贵品位 Dignity and Taste in Low-key Luxury 历史成就尊贵,优雅代代传承 Dignity Comes from History 上穷碧落下银泉 Search Everywhere 多国风情汇聚,梦幻般的住宅 Globally-Charmed Clusters of, Dreamy Residence 西方苏州城,海蓝深咏 A Western City of Suzhou, Aria by Sea Blue 源于西班牙奔放不羁的灵魂 The Untrammeled Soul Is from Spain 花语呢喃,奏响一曲缠绵浪漫的进行曲 Flowers Making a Romantic March 东方威尼斯,湖绿轻吟 Eastern Venice, Whispering by Light Green 醇美地中海,遁世般的优美宁静 Mediterranean: Beautiful and Peaceful as the Hermit Kingdom 传统建筑的华美新生 Magnificent Rebirth of Tranditional Architecture 染上宝石蓝的美式新风尚 New American Fashion Dyed with Jewelry Blue 定义Neo-ArtDeco豪宅新标杆,以艺术为生活加冕 To Define Neo-ArtDeco Mansion, to Crown Life with Art 古典与时尚结合,低调奢华有内涵 Fusion Classical and Contemporary: Conservative, Luxurious and Connotative 东西兼容的独特魅力:当江南园林遇见新装饰主义 Compatible of the East and the West: When Southern Gardens meet New Deco 醉紫淀蓝,定制家的个性之美 Indigo Aesthetics of Customized Home 看来岂是寻常色,遍地花开映眼眸 As Eyesight Goes, There Is Always Flowers 沁蓝轩朗,畅享生活的极致 Height and Broadness in Blue to Make an Ultimate Life 法式古典的东方想象 Eastern Imagination of French Neo-classic 中亚风情与古典美学的浪漫共生 The Coexistence of Middle-Asian Charm and Classical Aesthetics 以简驭繁,太极空间 A Space of Tai Ji: To Simplify Complication
阿拉伯豪宅Arab Mansion 阿尔罕布拉宫的回忆 Memory of Alhambra 现代手法,演绎阿拉伯的绮丽风华 Arabic Fantasy with Modern Approaches 生活的一千零一夜传奇 The Thousand and One Nights in Life 神秘的阿拉伯,走入梦幻秘境 To Come Here, to Enter Mystery of Arab
生态大宅Eco-Mansion 回归自然 Return to Nature 木与石的创新演绎 Innovative Interpretation by Wood and Stone 234以谦和的姿态回归田园 Enjoy Pastoral with a Humble Heart
现代酷宅Modern Cool Mansion 艺术生活,缤纷呈现 Artistic Life: A Profuse Presentation 依山面海,充满绮丽想象的白色童话屋 A White House with Hills in Front and Sea at Back 艺术谱就的华丽乐章,响砌生活每个角落 Movement by Art Goes Gorgeous Everywhere 沉醉于当代艺术的无限创想 Simmered in Creative Infinity by Modern Art 混凝泥质朴大宅,收藏生活的四季风景 Mansion of Concrete to Accommodate Seasons 京城幻想曲 Beijing Fantasy 科技时代的彩色生活 Color of Life in Era of Science and Technology 依山就势而建,纯净雅致之居 Dwelling Fine and Refine on Hillside 森林里的五彩童话屋 Fairy-Tale House of Five Colors in Forest 定制优雅,现代科技成就时尚生活 With Custom Elegance, Modern Science Makes Life Fashion 光赋予空间生动表情 Spatial Expression Completed by Light 教堂新生,收藏家的温馨 Newly Born Churn to Collet Home Warmth 一半娱乐一半风景,轻松生活向中庭敞开 Atrium Life: Half-Recreational, Half-Scenery
美式阔宅American-style Mansion 用时间酝酿生活的醇香 Time Brews the Flavor of Life 浓彩重墨调制美式优雅 American Grace by Colors 海天一色,与自然同呼吸 Breathe Simultaneously with Nature 面朝大海,春暖花开 Facing the Sea in Spring 自然的粗犷与生活的细腻融合成田园牧歌 Natural Roughness and Life Delicacy Fused into Idyllic Pastoral 美式庄园生活的返璞归真 Return to the Innocent of American Manor Life 开阔空间,处处盈溢木质清香 Spatial Broadness and Openness Scented with Wood 亲近自然,阅读四季 Be Close to Nature to Read Seasons
南非华宅South African-style Mansion 收放自如,创造生活无限可能 Free or Recessive to Create Life Possibility 藏山拥海,阔逸人生 To House Hills and Waters, to Enjoy Life Leisure 绕水而居,生活就像大Party Dwelling with Water around Makes Life a Big Party 环翠拥水,通透自然 Water Surrounding, Transparency Natural 赤足的奢华 All Luxury but Nothing 坐拥海天一色,收藏天地美景 The Sea Melted into the Sky 铺陈在城市上方的空中庭园 Garden above City 拥山抱海,收藏天地醉蓝美景 Here Is the Hill and the Sea 收藏艺术,亦收藏生活的无限情趣 With Art Collection, Comes Life Interest