目录 Part 1 Greek Mythology Zeus Hera Theseus Jason Part 2 The Bible Genesis 1?C3 Genesis 4 Genesis 6-9 Genesis 11 Part 3 Poetry Sonnet 29 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud O Captain! My Captain! There’s a Certain Slant of Light The Lake Isle of Innisfree The Road Not Taken· Digging Eating Alone Part 4 Prose The Republic: Book X (Excerpt) The Poetics (I?CV) Of Travel·· The Declaration of Independence Nature Part 5 Drama Romeo and Juliet (Excerpt) Long Day’s Journey into Night (Excerpt) No Exit (Excerpt) The Dumb Waiter (Excerpt) Buried Child (Excerpt) Death of a Salesman (Excerpt) Part 6 Fiction American Fiction Young Goodman Brown (Excerpt) The Purloined Letter(Excerpt) The Awakening Martin Eden (Excerpt) British Fiction David Copperfield (Excerpt) Frankenstein (Excerpt) Heart of Darkness (Excerpt) The Mark on the Wall (Excerpt) Short Stories A Sunrise on the Veld The Garden Party (Excerpt) The Heart of a Broken Story Eveline Bibliography 后记