目录 在美味中学习中西方饮食文化差异——Eating Habits and Eating Manners!教案及评析 了解如何制作饮品——How Do You Make a Banana Milk Shake ?教案及评析 认识职业,树立理想——I'm Going to Be a Basketball Player.教案及评析 阅读经典童话——Once Upon a Time…教案及评析 保护濒危动物——We Need to Protect Animals.教案及评析 欣赏古典音乐——Vienna Is the Centre of European Classical Music.教案及评析 养成准时的好习惯——By the Time I Got Outside,the Bus Had Already Left.教案及评析 做一个讲文明、懂礼仪的人——Would You Mind Turning Down the Music ?教案及评析 走入音乐之都——Vienna Is the Centre of European Classical Music.教案及评析 动物是人类的朋友——We Are Trying to Save the Manatees !教案及评析 向伟人学习——Great People教案及评析 美在澳大利亚——I'm Looking for the Photo That You Took in Australia.教案及评析 名人的成功故事——When Was He Born ?教案及评析 广告与购物——Buying and Selling教案及评析 感受吉他的魅力——Can You Play the Guitar ?教案及评析 中国传统节日面面观——Chinese New Year Celebrations教案及评析 欢度节日——Let's Celebrate!教案及评析 如何欣赏一部好电影——He Said It Was On at the Student Cinema.教案及评析 舌尖上的饮食——Healthy Food教案及评析 认识交通工具——How Do You Get to School ?教案及评析 永不止步——I Can Speak English.教案及评析 你不得不知道的健康饮食——I Only Eat Food That Tastes Good.教案及评析 老舍和他的话剧——It Takes Place in a Teahouse.教案及评析 读懂活动广告——Let's Go to the Cinema on Friday.教案及评析 移民去火星——Life on Mars教案及评析 家用机器人的利弊——Robots教案及评析 走进澳大利亚——The Camel That I Rode Had a Bad Temper.教案及评析 不夜城传奇——The City That Never Sleeps教案及评析 熊出没,请注意——Watch Out ! Bears About !教案及评析 树立正确的审美观——What Does He Look Like ?教案及评析 寻找一位远方的笔友——Where's Your Pen Pal From ?教案及评析 遇见美好的旅行——Where Would You Like to Visit ?教案及评析 爱护野生动物——Wild Animals教案及评析 做一个心理健康的孩子——Teenage Problems教案及评析 学写侦探故事——Detective Stories教案及评析