目录 Overview Chapter Ⅰ Macroeconomic Environment Chapter Ⅱ Banking Sector Chapter Ⅲ Securities Sector and the Capital Market Chapter Ⅳ Insurance Sector Chapter Ⅴ Financial Infrastructure Chapter Ⅵ Management of Systemic Financial Risks Special Topic Fund Utilization of Insurance Companies and Development of the Insurance Sector Appendix Ⅰ A Quantitative Analysis of the Soundness of the Banking Sector the Case of 15 Commercial Banks Appendix Ⅱ Statistics Boxes 1. The Share-holding Reform of ABC Advanced Steadily 2. Merger and Acquisition (M&A) of International Banking Sector 3. International Comparison of Stock Issuance Systems 4. The Relationship between Securities Investment Fund and Stock Market Fluctuation 5. Swine Insurance 6. Corporate Annuity 7. Progress Achieved in the Shareholding Reform of China Re 8. Building an Olympics-friendly Payment Environment 9. The Property Law and Its Significance for the Development of Financial Sector 10. China's FATF Membership 11. The US Sub-prime Crisis and Its Impact 12. The Case of Northern Rock 13. Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development