目录 前言 Lyrics 抒情诗 O, Once I Lov’d a Bonie Lass呵,我爱过 Corn Rigs Are Bonie麦田有好埂 Mary Morison玛丽?莫里逊 Green Grow the Rashes青青苇子草 The Rantin’ Dog, the Daddie o’t孩子他爹,这开心的家伙 Rantin’, Rovin’ Robin有一个孩子 Ca’ the Yowes to the Knowes 赶羊上山(一) Ca’ the Yowes to the Knowes (Second Set) 赶羊上山(二) I’m O’er Young to Marry Yet我还不到出嫁的年龄 Of a’ the Airts the Wind Can Blaw天风来自四面八方 Auld Lang Syne往昔的时光 My Bonie Mary我的好玛丽 Sweet Afton亚顿河水 Ay Waukin, O睡不着,哦! My Heart’s in the Highlands我的心呀在高原 John Anderson, My Jo约翰?安特生,我的爱人 The Banks o’ Doon杜河两岸 Ae Fond Kiss一次亲吻 Saw Ye Bonie Lesley美丽的莱丝莉 Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Nation这一撮民族败类 The Slave’s Lament奴隶怨 The Gallant Weaver英俊的织工 Highland Mary高原的玛丽 Duncan Gray邓肯?葛雷 Open the Door to Me, oh给我开门,哦! Logan Braes洛甘河 Whistle, and I’ll Come to You, My Lad郎吹口哨妹就来 Scots, Wha Hae苏格兰人 A Red, Red Rose一朵红红的玫瑰 A Man’s a Man for a’ That不管那一套 O Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast如果你站在冷风里 The Lovely Lass o’ Inverness印文纳斯的美丽姑娘 Comin thro’ the Rye走过麦田来 It Was a’ for Our Rightfu’ King为了我们正统的国王 The Tree of Liberty自由树 Epigrams 讽刺诗 Address to the Unco Guid or the Rigidly Righteous致好得出奇者,即古板的正经人 Holy Willie’s Prayer威利长老的祷词 To a Louse致虱子 Poems of Chanting Animals 吟动物诗 Poor Mailie’s Elegy 挽梅莉 To a Mouse写给小鼠 The Auld Farmer’s New-Year-Morning Salutation to His Auld Mare, Maggie老农向母马麦琪贺年 Epics 叙事诗 The Twa Dogs两只狗 The Cotter’s Saturday Night佃农的星期六晚 Tam o’ Shanter汤姆?奥桑特 Epistle 诗札 Epistle to J. Lapraik致拉布雷克书
精彩内容 Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And auld lang syne! 老朋友哪能遗忘, 哪能不放在心上? 老朋友哪能遗忘, 还有往昔的时光?