目录 The Blue Bird C HA RAC T ERS COST UM ES ACT I The Wood-cutters Cottage ACT II SCENE 1.-At the Fairys SCENE 2.-The Land of Memory ACT III SCENE 1.-The Palace of Night. SCENE 2.-The Forest ACT IV SCENE 1.-Before the Curtain SCENE 2.-The Palace of Happiness ACT V SCENE 1.-Before the Curtain SCENE 2.-The Graveyard SCENE 3.-The Kingdom of the Future ACT VI SCENE 1.-The Leave-taking SCENE 2.-The Awakening
The Life of the Bee Chapter1 On the Threshold of the Hive Chapter2 TheSw Chapter3 The Foundation of the City Chapter4 The Young Queens Chapter5 The Nuptial Flight Chapter6 The Massacre ofthe Males Chapter7 The Progress ofthe Race Appendix