作者简介 鲁蓉蓉,教育博士,中学高级教师。曾在美国明 尼苏达州作为交换教师工作一年,和美国英语教师 Ingrid Liedman合作教授英语为母语的八年级学生;曾 为美国麻省州立大学波士顿校区访问学者。硕士阶段 主攻语言测试,博士阶段研究英语课程管理。曾在杭 州外国语学校一线教学二十多年。有四篇论文被人大 复印资料全文转载,有两篇论文在国际会议上交流; 主持过两个省级课题。主要研究方向为语言测试、英 语课程管理和话语分析。 (美)英格丽德·利德曼(Ingrid Liedman) Ms Liedman dreamed of teaching English since 12 years old. After earning a degree in teaching English, German, Russian, and social studies, she taught ESL in Tanzania and in Hangzhou Foreign Language School in China. She has tutored ESL to Southeast Asians and Mexicans. She hosted seven foreign students from Asia and Sweden and Russia for one school year each. After retiring after 40 total years of teaching 12-16 year-olds, she has continued exploring the world, over 100 countries. She considers her expertise grammar, vocabulary, and writing English structure. She has dabbled in many languages. Her favorite year was team teaching with Lu Rongrong.