作者简介 【作者简介】艾米莉·勃朗特(Emily Jane Bront?,1818-1848):19世纪英国作家、诗人,夏洛蒂·勃朗特之妹。创作诗歌近200首,其小说《呼啸山庄》影响深远。【译者简介】刘新民 1946年生,山东安丘人。浙江工商大学外国语学院教授,硕士生导师。主要译著有《哈代诗选》《艾米莉·勃朗特诗全编》《小杜丽》《鹿苑》《豪斯曼诗全集》,以及《金色笔记》(合译)等。
目录 译者序/绝不懦弱的灵魂 ‘Tell ITle tell me smiling child’ “告诉我,告诉我……” ‘High waving heather’neath stormy blasts bending’ “高处的石楠在狂风中飘摇” ‘Redbreast early in the morning’ “知更鸟啊……” ‘All day Ive toiled but not with pain’ “我终日辛劳,却并不痛苦” ‘I am the only being whose doom’ “世上唯独我……” ‘The sun has set and the long grass nOW’ “日已西沉,颀长的野草” ‘And first an hour of mournful musing’ “最初沉痛哀思了一小时” ‘Wind sink to rest in the heather’ “风啊,请在石楠里歇息” ‘Awaking morning laughs from heaven’ “黎明醒来在天上欢笑” ‘Alone I sat the summer day’ “我独自坐着……” ‘’Tis evening now the sun descends’ “已近黄昏时分……” ‘The old church tower and garden wall’ “古老的教堂钟楼和围墙” Lines:‘Far away is the land of rest’ 诗行——“安息之处还远在天边” ‘Now trust a heart that trusts in you’ “请相信这颗忠贞的心” …… 附录 解读艾米莉·勃朗特 后记