目录 INTRODUCTION MARKETING BASICS 1 The marketing mix 1 A The Ps B Marketing a new product 2 The marketing mix 2 A The four Cs, As and Os B AIDA 3 SWOT analysis A SWOT analysis B SWOT and marketing strategy 4 Marketing strategy and the marketing plan A Marketing strategy vs. marketing plan B Developing the marketing plan 5 Marketing ethics A So marketing B Corporate so responsibility (CSR) 6 The market environment A The micro environment B The macro environment: STEP analysis 7 Legal aspects of marketing A Legal definitions B Legal problems C The Consumer Protection Act RESEARCH 8 Research 1 A Types of research B Research methodology 9 Research 2 A Describing survey results B Understanding trends and changes PRODUCT 10 New product development 1 A Idea generation B Idea screening C Concept development and testing D Marketing strategy and business analysis 11 New product development 2 A Workflow B Product development and optimization C Test marketing D Commerization 12 Brainstorming A The brainstorming session B Brainstorming techniques C Suggesting and building on ideas 13 Product and service types A Product types B Word combinations with goods andproducts C Types of service 14 Product life cycles A The Boston Consulting Group Matrix B Inside the Boston Box 15 Selling products and services A The seller B The purchaser C Selling a service POSITIONING AND BRANDING 16 Branding 1 A What is a brand? B Branding C Word combinations with brand ……