目录 中西合璧尊享唯美生活殿堂 Chinese and Western Styles Combined Mansion for Wonderful Living 拜占庭艺术绽放万科翡翠别墅 A Vake Jade Villa of Byzantine Art 极致华彩,收藏岁月的荣光 Luxurious Mansion for Collecting Glory of Days Past 万平拉阔豪宅,见证二百年美国梦想 Spacious Mansion: A Witness of Two Hundred Years?American Dream 黑白底片上的流金岁月 Golden Years Within Black and White Film 蝶舞翩翩芳馥间,月半清风花弄影 Butterflies Flying through Fragrance, Flowers Dancing with Half-Moon in Breeze 摩洛哥皇家风范 Moroccan Majlis 源于英法的新古典风韵在瑞士绚丽开花 The Neo-Classical Prosperity in Switzerland, Rooted in Britain and France 2011CCB Casa Cor BA 2011 定义NEO-ARTDECO豪宅新标杆,以艺术为生活加冕 To Define Neo-Art Deco Mansion, to Crown Life with Art 浓墨重彩演绎美式风情,谱写海派传奇 Presentation of Colorful American Style and Shanghai-Style Legend 丽紫流影,奢尚人生 Brilliant Shadow, Luxurious Life 含蓄内敛,铭刻隽永美感 Conservative, Connotative and Aesthetic 艺术家居,家居艺术 Arts Furnishing, Furnishings Art 花神之家 The Home of Flora 净白素雅,清美出尘 White Elegance and Fresh?Beauty 波普艺术与美式空间相得益彰 Complementarities Between Pop Art and American Space 融古汇今,雕琢隽永之美 The Combination of the Ancient and the Modern to Complete Connotative Aesthetics 源于里维埃拉的灵感,复兴生活真善美 Inspiration from Riviera, Truth, Kindness and Beauty by Renaissance 馥满优雅 法式华彩 Graceful Elegance, French Brilliance 骑士精神 Spirit of Knights 意式底蕴,创造如波托菲诺的旅游天堂 Backdrop of Italy, as the Tourism Paradise of Portofino 清新优雅 柔和静美 Refreshing, Elegant and Gentle 岁月静好 陌上花开 Peace of Time, Flowers in the Field 聚焦惊艳新古典 Focus on Neo-Classical Surprise 窗外四季,窗内静水流年 Seasons Outside, Peace Inside 雅奢主张之简美风情 Minimalism of Sumptuous Grace 净白美宅,静品时光如歌行板 The Purity of White to Appreciate a Good Time 碧波上的浪漫 Romance Above Waves 庄重之美,令人钦佩 Solemn to Be Admirable 庄园大宅,豪门气度 Manor of Wealthy and Influential Clan 收藏田园梦想 Collect Countryside Dreams 天使的空中城堡 Angels Castle in the Air 复刻慢时光 Slow Time Once More 意法经典,都市沙龙 Italian and French Classic City Salon 醇雅诺丁汉 Nottingham of Fashion and Elegance 新手法讲述美国老故事 New Way to Tell the Old American Story 360度环景大宅,山谷里的石头居 360 Degree Panorama Stone Mansion