目录 “西方古典学研究”总序 “西方古典学研究”编委会 导读 黄洋 “希腊罗马史料集”总序 恩斯特.贝蒂安、罗伯特.谢尔克 第二版序 查尔斯.福尔那拉 编者导言 查尔斯.福尔那拉 缩写说明 史料译注 Ancient chronology The date of Lykourgos of Sparta The establishment of the Olympic Games Pheidon of Argos The foundation of Naxos and Megara in Sicily The foundation of Croton The Lelantine War The use of the word tyrant The foundation of Tarentum by the Partheniai of Sparta Orthagoras, Tyrant of Sicyon Law of the city of Dreros (Crete) Tyrtaeus of Sparta, the Messenian Wars, and the Great Rhetra Spartan treatment of helots Memorial to a Locrian proxenos at Corcyra Drakons law on homicide The First Sacred War Battos,the founder of Cyrene The foundation of Cyrene Law from Chios Gravestone of Phanodikos of Prokonnesos Epitaph of the Corinthians who died at Salamis The Athenian naukrariai The Athenian archon list Greek mercenaries in Egyptian service Alliance between Elis and Heraia in Western Arcadia The establishment of the Panathenaic festival Spartan treaty with Tegea Kroisos gifts to the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus Treaty between Sybaris and the Serdaioi The wives of Hippias and Hipparchos, the sons of Peisistratos of Athens The nature of Peisistratos rule Polykrates, Tyrant of Samos Law from a Locrian community settling new territory A list of Dareios subjects Letter of Dareios An Argive rule about the use of sacred treasures Dedication of Peisistratos son of Hippias …… 附录 索引