作者简介 英国《金融时报》(Finan Times,简称FT)于1888年2月创刊于维多利亚时代的伦敦。报头下,印有报铭“Without Fear and Without Favour”,沿用至今。很多人对FT的印象是它的颜色,三文鱼粉色,像一张发黄的旧报纸。创刊时,FT是伦敦金融城一份小众专业报。历经100多年,已经进化成优选很很好不错的财经媒体之一。若你问,FT是份怎样的报纸?以下关键词大概可以概括:优选视角、言论多元、推崇自由市场和贸易等。优选很有影响力的政商精英,是FT的读者主体。2015年8月31日,FT中文网正式推出。凭借英国《金融时报》遍布优选的丰富报道资源,汇聚海内外有影响力的专栏作家与意见,为商业决策者提供立体、详实的优选重大事件专题报道。
目录 01 Sexual harassment at work:a practical guide for victims 面对性骚扰,你该怎么办?
02 How to avert catastrophe 新时代的防灾指南
03 Start-ups scent opportunity in tackling fake news 假新闻催生新商机
04 Become a Qwitter to salvage Twitter “用脚投票”拯救Twitter
05 US opioid crisis leads to fall in life expectancy 阿片类药物致美国预期寿命下降
06 The world leaders dilemma:how to reach Donald Trump 当他们遭遇
07 The long and short of H&Ms travails 陷入困境的H&M
08 Should we trust our fellow app users more than politicians? 该不该信任用户评分?
09 Sorry is the hardest word for sexual harassers 性骚扰者:一句道歉有多难?
10 Purple haze:can a colour really capture the zeitgeist? 不知所云的年度流行色
11 Japan bosses face life-and-death struggle 日本公司的招聘战争
12 From climate change to robots:what politicians arent telling us 政客对我们隐瞒了什么?
13 Liberal Americas unhealthy fixation on Russia 夸张的“俄罗斯威胁论”
14 Why working women keep quiet about their children 职场上的“秘密妈妈”
15 Can Meghan Markle rewrite the royal fairytale? 梅根·马克尔:改写故事的灰姑娘
16 The algorithms that seduce our children 勾人的算法和脆弱的孩子
17 Starbucks makes super-sized China bet as it looks beyond US 星巴克在上海开设烘焙工坊
18 The Taj Mahal is caught in a tug of war over Indian identity 泰姬陵陷入“身份危机”
19 Welcoming foreign students to the UK builds trade and allies 留学生成为英国的新财富
20 Russias World Cup:a Putin own goal? 俄罗斯世界杯——的乌龙球?
21 Smart cities might not be such a bright idea 不太宜居的“智慧城市”
22 Can autonomous cars pass their driving test? 谁能证明自动驾驶汽车的安全?
23 Why the robot boost is yet to arrive 机器人去哪了?
24 Why plastic is no longer fantastic 不再时髦的塑料瓶
25 Welcome to the school of the future 欢迎来到未来的学校
26 Why is fashion so ugly? 为什么时装这么丑?
27 How to build the perfect power desk 如何成为办公桌艺术家?
28 Really extreme spending is rarely a good look 金钱买得来好形象吗?