目录 Ⅰ.Five Alps in Heaven and Earth,Mount Hengshan Claims the North Ⅱ.Soaring PavilionsofBeiyueTemple Ⅲ.Flying Ridges Sprouting from Rock-Cut Ⅳ.Rock-Cut Architectures Ⅴ.Incense Lavished Jiutian Palace Ⅵ.House of Pantheon Ⅶ.HalI ofThree Clarities Ⅷ.August Pines on Mount Hengshan Ⅸ.Hanging BuddhistTemple Ⅹ.Seclusive Dayun Temple of Longshan Mountain Ⅺ.Fengshan Fairy Stream and Qianfo Pagoda Ⅻ.Recounting Hunyuan City A Chronology of Significant Events