目录 激情演讲Part One 1. The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Address, 2012 2012年英国女王登基60周年演讲 2. The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination 失败的附加好处和想象力的重要性 3. The Novelist in Wartime 战时作家 4. Unleashing Your Creativity 释放你的创造力 5. A Writer Must Have an Inexhaustible Voice 作家必须拥有永不停歇的声音 6. I Have a Dream 我有一个梦想 7. Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death 不自由,吾宁死 8. The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself 我们唯一要害怕的是害怕本身 9. Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat 热血、辛劳、汗水和眼泪 10. Keep Looking, Don’t Settle 继续寻找,不要停留 11. We Will Make the World Better Tomorrow Than It Is Today 我们会让明天的世界变得比今天更美好 12. Yes, We Can 是的,我们能行 13. The Audacity of Hope 无畏的希望 14. I Have Done My Very Best 我已尽自己优选的努力 15. Though Our Challenges Are Fearsome, So Are Our Strenghs 虽然我们的挑战令人生畏,但我们的力量也同样令人生畏 16. Good-bye and Good Luck! 再见,祝你好运! 17. I Have Followed My Conscience 我凭良心行事 18. What Is the Meaning of Life 生活的意义 19. Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation 珍珠港事件告全国同胞书 20. Remarks on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. 关于马丁·路德·金遇刺的演讲 名篇佳作Part Two 21. The Two Roads 人生的两条路 22. Three Days to See 假如给我三天光明 23. Of Love / 101 论爱情 24. The Road to Success 成功之道 25. What Is Enlightenment 什么是启蒙 26. Advice to Youth 致青年的忠告 27. The World as I See It 我的世界观 28. Gone with the Wind 飘 29. On Idleness 论懒散 30. Companionship of Books 以书为伴 31. On Doors 门 32. Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见 时文精选Part Three 33. Cloned Ponies 克隆赛马 34. Why I’ve Stopped Relying on Online Reviews for Everything I Buy 为什么我不再依赖网上评价购物 35. The Rise of Solo Living 独居时代的崛起 ……