目录 Chapter 1Overview 1.1Environment of macroeconomic and social development in the future ten years 1.1.1Chinas economy continues to maintain mid to high growth rate. 1.1.2Chinas total population will grow at a low rate. 1.1.3CPI will enter into a cycle of mild growth and become gradually stable. 1.1.4Crude oil price will rise in the beginning and stabilize in the end. 1.1.5The income of urban and rural residents continues to grow. 1.1.6RMB exchange rate fluctuation will become the norm. 1.2Environment and conditions for Chinas agricultural development in the future ten years 1.2.1Foundations for agricultural transformation become more solid. 1.2.2Drivers of agricultural development become stronger. 1.2.3Agricultural management service will be more effective. 1.2.4Agricultural development is in the face of grim challenges. 1.3Development trend of Chinas agricultural market in the future ten years 1.3.1In depth development of the supplv-side structural reform and significantly improved quality and efficiency of the supply of agricultural products. 1.3.2The output of major agricultural products will continue to increase and the food security safeguarding capacity will be strengthened significantly. 1.3.3Consumption demand will increase continuously and consumption structure will upgrade faster. 1.3.4The price formation mechanism for agricultural products will be improved and the market price will show a mild upward trend in general. 1.3.5Agricultural trade will maintain healthy development and the international competitiveness of agriculture will further strengthen. Chapter 2Cereals 2. 1Rice 2.1.1General outlook 2.1.2Production outlook 2.1.3Consumption outlook 2.1.4Trade outlook 2.1.5Price outlook 2.2Wheat 2.2.1General outlook 2.2.2Production outlook 2.2.3Consumption outlook 2.2.4Trade outlook 2.2.5Price outlook 2.3Corn 2.3.1General outlook 2.3.2Production outlook 2.3.3Consumption outlook 2.3.4Trade outlook 2.3.5Price outlook Chapter 3Oilseeds 3.1Soybean 3.1.1General outlook 3.1.2Production outlook 3.1.3Consumption outlook 3.1.4Trade outlook 3.1.5Price outlook 3.2Oilseeds and oilseed products 3.2. 1General outlook 3.2.2Production outlook 3.2.3Consumption outlook 3.2.4Trade outlook 3.2.5Price Outlook Chapter 4Cotton 4.1General outlook 4.2Production outlook 4.3Consumption outlook 4.4Trade outlook 4.5Price outlook Chapter 5Sugar 5.1General outlook 5.2Production outlook 5.3Consumption outlook 5.4Trade outlook 5.5Price outlook Chapter 6Vegetables 6.1General outlook 6.2Production outlook 6.3Consumption outlook 6.4Trade outlook 6.5Price outlook Chapter 7Fruit 7.1General outlook 7.2Production outlook 7.3Consumption outlook 7.4Trade outlook 7.5Price outlook Chapter 8Meat 8.1Pork 8.1.1General outlook 8.1.2Production outlook 8.1.3Consumption outlook 8.1.4Trade outlook 8.1.5Price outlook 8.2Poultry meat 8.2.1General outlook 8.2.2Production outlook 8.2.3Consumption outlook 8.2.4Trade outlook 8.2.5Price outlook 8.3Beef and mutton 8.3.1General outlook 8.3.2Production outlook 8.3.3Consumption outlook 8.3.4Trade outlook 8.3.5Price outlook Chapter 9Poultry egg 9.1General outlook 9.2Production outlook 9.3Consumption outlook 9.4Trade outlook 9.5Price outlook Chapter 10Dairy products 10.1General outlook 10.2Production outlook 10.3Consumption outlook 10.4Trade outlook 10.5Price outlook Chapter 11Aquatic products 11.1General outlook 11.2Production outlook 11.3Consumption outlook 11.4Trade outlook 11.5Price outlook Chapter 12Feed 12.1General outlook 12.2Production outlook 12.3Consumption outlook 12.4Price outlook Annex:Supply-demand balance sheet of major agricultural commodities