目录 婆罗洲的独木舟造船术及其启示 Canoe-Making in Borneo and Its Impl ications for Early Chinese History 东沙观象台的建立及对海洋权益的维护 The Establ ishment of the Pratas (Dongsha) Observatory and the Preservation of Maritime Interests 从明代古籍所载战船尺度推测中国古船“料”的含义 Speculation on the Meaning of an Ancient Chinese Ships Liao According to the Measurements of Warships Recorded in Ming Dynasty Texts Zaitun与阿拉伯丝绸贸易 Zaitun and the Silk Trade with Arabia 李金明/Li Jinming 宋元时期海上运输法中的国际私法规则研究——以《市舶条法》为视角 Research on Instances of International Private Law Within the Marine Transport Regulations over the Song and Yuan Periods——Adopting the Perspective of the Regulations of the Custores Administra tion 南中国海上的“新会岛”——晚清爱国将领林国祥在“巡航西沙”中的历史贡献 “Xinhui Island”in the South China Sea——Lin Guoxiangs Voyage to the Xisha Islands during the Late Qing Dynasty 论唐朝对鄂霍次克海的认知 The Tang Dynastys Discovery of the Sea of Okhotsk 柏林国家图书馆藏《闽省水师各标镇协营战哨船只图说》的若干问题 Research on the Illustrated Explanation about the Warship of All the Divisions and Brigades in the Fujian Navy 早期南澳史事钩稽 Research on Early Historical Events in Nanao 康熙时期中国天文生测绘琉球地图考——兼论钓鱼岛主权归属问题 A Study of Ryukyu Map Mapping by Astronomical Officers of the Kangxis Reign——Further Analyzing the Issue of Sovereignty of Diaoyu Islands 海不扬波:妈祖与其信仰在台之传播 The Development of the Mazu Cult in Taiwan 民国时期高等商船航海教育的探索与实践——以吴淞商船专科学校为例 A Study of Advanced Merchant Marine Education during the Republ ican Period——To Wusong Merchant Marine Academy as an Example 郑舜功日本航海之旅 Zheng Shungongs Journey to Japan 中国古航海图的基本类型 Basic Types of Ancient Chinese Nautical Charts “明代海洋贸易、航海术和水下考古研究新进展”国际研讨会综述 上海中国航海博物馆第五届国际学术研讨会顺利召开 征稿启事 稿件书写规范