作者简介 奈杰尔·哈伍德(Nigel Harwood),英国埃塞克斯大学不错讲师,主要研究领域包括学术写作、学术英语、教学材料设计和语料库驱动教学法等。在Applied Linguistics,Journal of Pragmatics等学术期刊上发表过多篇学术论文,出版过English Language Teaching Materials: Theory and Practice(2010年,剑桥大学出版社)等书。
目录 总序 导读 Contributors Preface PART A: INTRODUCTION 1 Issues in materials development and design PART B perspectives on materials 2 Second language acquisition research and language-teaching materials 3 The theory and practice of technology in materials development and task design 4 Principles of effective materials development 5 Critical praxis as materials development: Responding to military recruitment on a US campus PART C materials for the language syllabus 6 A principled approach to content-based materials development for reading 7 A genre-based approach to developing materials for writing 8 Listening as process: Learning activities for self-appraisal and self-regulation 9 Materials to develop the speaking skill 10 Developing materials for discipline-specific vocabulary and phrases in academic seminars PART D materials for specific and academic purposes 11 Materials for university essay writing 12 Writing for publication: Corpus-informed materials for postdoctoral fellows in perinatology 13 Research-based materials to demystify academic citation for postgraduates 14 Making professional academic writing practices visible: Designing research-based heuristics to support English-medium text production 15 English for nursing: Developing discipline-specific materials 16 Using textbook and real-life data to teach turn taking in business meetings 17 Designing materials for community-based adult ESL programs Author index Subject Index