目录 Preface Part Ⅰ. Foundations 1. Challenges and Principles Why Infrastructure as Code? What Is Infrastructure as Code? Goals of Infrastructure as Code Challenges with Dynamic Infrastructure Server Sprawl Configuration Drift Snowflake Servers Fragile Infrastructure Automation Fear Erosion Principles of Infrastructure as Code Systems Can Be Easily Reproduced Systems Are Disposable Systems Are Consistent Processes Are Repeatable Design Is Always Changing Practices Use Definition Files Self-Documented Systems and Processes Version All the Things Continuously Test Systems and Processes Small Changes Rather Than Batches Keep Services Available Continuously Antifragility: Beyond "Robust" The Secret Ingredient of Antifragile IT Systems Conclusion Whats Next? 2. Dynamic Infrastructure Platforms What Is a Dynamic Infrastructure Platform? Requirements for a Dynamic Infrastructure Platform Programmable On-Demand Self-Service Infrastructure Resources Provided by the Platform Compute Resources Storage Resources Network Resources Types of Dynamic Infrastructure Platforms Public IaaS Cloud Community IaaS Cloud Private IaaS Cloud Antipattern: Hand-Cranked Cloud Hybrid and Mixed Cloud Options Bare-Metal Clouds Deciding on a Dynamic Infrastructure Platform Public or Private? Cloud Portability Mechanical Sympathy with the Cloud and Virtualization Conclusion 3. Infrastructure Definition Tools Choosing Tools for Infrastructure as Code Requirement: Scriptable Interface Requirement: Unattended Mode for Command-Line Tools Requirement: Support for Unattended Execution Requirement: Externalized Configuration Configuration Definition Files Reusability with Configuration Definitions Working with Infrastructure Definition Tools Provisioning Infrastructure with Procedural Scripts Defining Infrastructure Declaratively Using Infrastructure Definition Tools Configuring Servers …… Part Ⅱ.Patterns Part Ⅲ.Practices
内容摘要 虚拟化、云、容器、服务器自动化以及软件自定义网络化的初衷是简化 IT 运维,然而应用了这些技术之后,很多组织发现它们不不断增长,蔓延成了一个无法管理的系统。这正是基础设施即代码的用武之地。在这本务实的指导之作中,来自 ThoughtWorks 的 Kief Morris 展示了如何有效地使用DevOps 运动所倡导的原则、时间和模式,来管理时代的基础设施。对于系统管理员、基础设施工程师、团队以及架构师来说,这是一本难得的佳作。它描述了可以用来实现基础设施即代码的多种工具、技巧和模式。在全书的三个部分中,你将学习到用来创建和配置基础设施元素的平台和工具、使用这些工具的模式以及在你自身环境中落地基础设施即代码的实践。