目录 Preface List of Contributors 1 Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Quantum Dot Growth 2 Control of Self-Organized In(Ga)As/GaAs Quantum Dot Growth 3 In-Situ Monitoring for Nano-Structure Growth in MOVPE 4 Bottom-up Approach to the Nanopatterning of Si(001) 5 Structural Characterisation of Quantum Dots by X-Ray Diffraction and TEM 6 The Atomic Structure of Quantum Dots 7 Theory of Excitons in InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dots 8 Phonons in Quantum Dots and Their Role in Exciton Dephasing 9 Theory of the Optical Response of Single and Coupled Semiconductor Quantum Dots 10 Theory of Nonlinear Transport for Ensembles of Quantum Dots 11 Quantum Dots for Memories 12 Visible-Bandgap II-VI Quantum Dot Heterostructures 13 Narrow-Gap Nanostructures in Strong Magnetic Fields 14 Optical Properties of III-V Quantum Dots 15 Uitrafast Coherent Spectroscopy of Single Semiconductor Quantum Dots 16 Single-Photon Generation from Single Quantum Dots Index