目录 Chapter1 Automobile Basic English(汽车基础英语) 1.1Car Logo(车标) 1.2Classification of Vehicles(汽车的分类) 1.3Automobile Components(汽车的组成部分) Chapter2 Automobile Engine(汽车发动机) 2.1The General Structure of an Engine(发动机总体构造) 2.2Inspect and Replace an Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor(检查与更换发动机冷却液温度传感器) 2.3Inspect Ignition System On-Vehicle(就车检查点火系统) 2.4Check Fuel Pressure(检查燃油压力) 2.5Remove and Install Crankshaft(拆卸与安装曲轴)Chapter3 Automobile Chassis(汽车底盘) 3.1The General Structure of a Chassis(底盘的总体构造) 3.2Dismantle and Assemble Manual Transmission Input Shaft(拆卸和安装手动变速器输入轴) 3.3General Notes of AT Component Parts Removal(拆装自动变速器的注意事项) 3.4Install Front Axle Assembly(装配前桥总成) 3.5Remove and Install Power Steering Gear Box(拆卸和安装助力转向器) 3.6Remove and Install Brake Pads(拆卸和安装制动摩擦片) 3.7Wheel Alignment(车轮定位) Chapter4 Automobile Electric(汽车电器) 4.1The General Introduction of the Auto Eleetrical System(汽车电气系统的总体介绍) 4.2How to Use Electrical Equipments(如何使用电器设备) 4.3Check and Adjust Headlight Settings(检查和调整前照灯设置) 4.4How to Read the Air Conditioning Wiring Diagram(如何阅读空调电路图) 4.5The Introduction of the Night View Assist System(夜视辅助系统的介绍) Chapter5 Automobile Maintenance and Testing(汽车维护与测试) 5.1General Maintenance(日常维护) 5.2Change Engine Oil and Filter(更换机油和机油滤清器) 5.3Diagnosis System(诊断系统) 5.4Data List and Active Test(数据流和功能测试) 5.5 The WorldSkills Competition(世界技能竞赛) Appendices(附录) ⅠMeasuring Tools(各种工具量具) ⅡAbbreviations for Automobile(汽车常用缩略语) 参考文献