作者简介 Rebekah bernard, MD is a Family Physician in private practice in Estero ,FL. Dr.Bernard graduated from the University of Florida whit a degree form the University of Miami, she completed her residency at Florida Hospital in Orlando. Dr.Bernard has served as an adjunct professor for the Florida State University College of Medicine and Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine. 肖峰个人经历: 1984年,毕业于哈尔滨医科大学,随后成为北京协和医院中国靠前位急诊医学研究生。 1991年,以研究员身份在匹兹堡大学和路易斯安那州立大学医学中心进行了6年的学习和研究,师从靠前心肺复苏之父:PeterSafar医生。 1997年至2000年,完成美国住院医师 肖锋(Frank Feng.Xiao),MD培训。