目录 1 Introduction 1.1 BasicConcept 1.1.1 Plastic Deformation 1.1.2 Plastic Mechanics 1.1.3 Plastic Mechanics of Geomaterial 1.2 The Basic Hypothesis of Plastic Mechanics of Geomaterial 1.3 The Constitutive Model 1.3.1 What Is Model 1.3.2 Model in Classical Soil Mechanics 1.4 Development History for Plastic Mechanics of Geomaterial References 2 Stress and Strain and Its Basic Equations 2.1 Continuum Model 2.2 Stress Tensor 2.3 Decomposition of Stress Tensor and Its Invariants 2.3.1 Decomposition of Stress Tensor 2.3.2 Other Representation of Stress Invariant 2.4 Deformation and Strain 2.5 The Invariant of Strain Tensor 2.6 Decomposition of Strain Tensor and Its Invariants 2.6.1 Decomposition of Strain Tensor 2.6.2 Other Representation of Strain Invariant 2.7 Stress Path and Strain Path 2.7.1 Expression of Stress Path 2.7.2 The Realization of Stress Path 2.7.3 Total Stress Path and Effective Stress Path 2.7.4 Strain Path 2.8 Basic Equations of Plastic Mechanics of Geomaterial 2.8.1 Basic Equations 2.8.2 Boundary Condition and Initial Value References 3 The Basic Mechanical Characteristics of the Geomaterial 3.1 Pressure-Hardening 3.2 Yield Caused by Hydrostatic Pressure 3.3 Dilatancy 3.4 Plastic Deformation Dependent on Stress Path 3.5 Other Important Characteristics 3.6 Mechanical Characteristic at Small Strain of Geomaterial 3.7 Mechanical Difference for the Natural and Remoulded Soil References 4 The Elastic Model of Geomaterial 4.1 Nonlinear Elastic Theory 4.1.1 Variable Elasticity Theory 4.1.2 Hyperelastic Theory 4.1.3 Hypoelastic Theory 4.2 The Anisotropic Elastic Theory 4.2.1 Isotropic Elastic Constitutive Model 4.2.2 The Elastic Constitutive Model with Cross-Anisotropy 4.3 The Isotropic Nonlinear Elastic Model of Geomaterial 4.3.1 The Basic Principle of Duncan-Chang Model 4.3.2 Two Elastic Function of Duncan-Chang Model 4.3.3 Review of Duncan-Chang Model 4.4 The Elastic Model with Transverse Isotropy 4.4.1 Xiao-nan Gong Model 4.4.2 Graham Model References 5 Classical Plastic Theory 5.1 Potential Function and Thermodynamics 5.1.1 First Law of Thermodynamics 5.1.2 Second Law of Thermodynamics 5.1.3 Thermodynamics Potential and Dissipative Inequality 5.2 Plastic Postulate 5.2.1 Druckers Stability Postulate 5.2.2 Inference of Druckers Postulate 5.3 The Constitutive Model Based on the Classic Plastic Theory 5.3.1 The Framework of the Classic Plastic Theory 5.3.2 Commonly Used Models References 6 The Development of the Plastic Theory of Geomaterial 6.1 Study of Several Basic Problems in Plastic Theory of Geomaterial 6.1.1 Proving that Drucker Postulate Is Unsuitable for Geomaterial 6.1.2 Proving that the Classic Plastic Theory Is Unsuitable for Geomaterial 6.1.3 Study of Several Key Problems in the Plastic Theory of Geomaterial 6.2 Development of the Yield Surface for Geomaterial 6.2.1 Significance of Yield Surface 6.2.2 Yield of Geomaterial 6.2.3 The Shear Yield Surface 6.2.4 Volumetric Yield Criterion 6.2.5 Yield Surface of Overconsolidated Soil 6.2.6 Part Yield 6.3 Hardening Laws 6.3.1 Hardening Theory 6.3.2 Hardening Model 6.3.3 Isotropic Hardening 6.3.4 Kinematic Hardening 6.3.5 Mixed Hardening 6.3.6 The General Form of Hardening Model 6.4 Plastic Flow Rule 6.4.1 Associated Flow Rule 6.4.2 Nonassociated Flow Rule 6.4.3 Mixed Flow Rule 6.5 Loading-Unloading Rule 6.5.1 Loading-Unloading Rule Based on Yield Surface 6.5.2 Loading-Unloading Rule with Stress Type 6.5.3 Loading-Unloading Rule with Strain Style References 7 The Static Elastoplastic Model for Geomaterial 7.1 Cam-Clay and Modified Cam-Clay Model 7.1.1 The Concept of Critical States 7.1.2 Cam-Clay Model 7.1.3 Modified Cam-Clay Model 7.1.4 Comment on Cam-Clay Model 7.2 Lade Model 7.2.1 Components of Constitutive Model 7.2.2 Elastic Behavior 7.2.3 Failure Criterion 7.2.4 Plastic Potential and Flow Rule 7.2.5 Yield Criterion and Work-Hardening/Softening Relation 7.2.6 Determination of Material Parameters 7.2.7 Model Comments 7.3 A Unified Hardening Constitutive Model for Soils 7.3.1 Introduction 7.3.2 The Unified Hardening Parameter Which Has Nothing to Do with the Stress Path 7.3.3 Unified Hardening Model for Natural Consolidation 7.3.4 The Unified Hardening Model of the Normal Consolidated Soil 7.3.5 The Stress-Strain Relationship 7.3.6 Model Comments References 8 Generalized Plastic Mechanics Considering the Rotation of Principal Axis of Stress 8.1 Decomposition of the Stress Increment. 8.1.1 Decomposition of Two-Dimensional Stress Increment. 8.1.2 Decomposition of Three-Dimensional Stress Increment. 8.2 Generalized Plastic Potential Theory Considering Rotation of Principal Stress Axis 8.3 Complete Stress Increment Expression of Elastoplastic Stress-Strain Relationship for Geomaterial 8.4 Plastic Deformation Caused by Coaxial Stress Increment 8.5 Plastic Deformation Caused by the Rotational Increment 8.5.1 Plastic Deformation Caused by Stress Increment 8.5.2 Plastic Deformation Caused by Rotational Stress Increment dCir2 and drir 8.6 Elastoplastic Stress-Strain Relations Considering Rotation of Principal Stress Axis 8.6.1 Elastic Compliance Matrix 8.6.2 Coaxial Plastic Compliance Matrix 8.6.3 Rotating Plastic Compliance Matrix References 9 The Dynamic Constitutive Model of Geomaterial 9.1 Basic Characteristics of Dynamic Stress -Strain Relationship of Geomaterial 9.2 Empirical Model for Dynamic Stress-Strain Relationship 9.3 Equivalent Dynamic Linear Viscoelastic Model of Soil. 9.3.1 Viscoelastic Model 9.3.2 Parameter for Viscoelastic Model 9.4 Viscoelastoplastic Dynamic Constitutive Model of Geomaterial 9.4.1 Framework for Viscoelastic Plasticity Model 9.4.2 The Computation of Viscoelastic Part 9.4.3 The Computation of Elastoplastic Part 9.4.4 The Computation of Total Part 9.5 Viscoplastic Cap Models 9.5.1 The Perzyna-Type Viscoplastic Cap Model 9.5.2 Solution Algorithms 9.5.3 The Duvant-Lions Type Viscoplastic Cap Model 9.5.4 Illustration Example References 10 Limit Analysis for Geotechnical Engineering 10.10 verview 10.2 The Basic Equations for Limit Analysis 10.3 The Characteristic Line Method in Limit Analysis 10.3.1 Slip Line of Stress 10.3.2 Prandtl Solution of Stress Characteristic Line for Ultimate Load of a Half-Infinite Plane Body 10.3.3 Velocity Slip Line Field for Plane Strain Problem 10.4 Principle of Limit Analysis and Approximate Method 10.4.1 Limit Analysis Theorem 10.4.2 Example of Limit Analysis Principle 10.5 Numerical Limit Analysis 10.5.1 The Basic Principle of FEM Limit Analysis 10.5.2 Definition of Safety Factor 10.5.3 Criterion for Limit State 10.5.4 Example for the Calculation of Slope Safety Factor References