目录 Series I Palm-size Fairy Tales (1) A Short Wooden Fence A Headless Bird A Few Pieces of Falling Red Leaves If Only A Bird Who Loves to Be Quiet and Dance A Fish’s Sunglasses Birds Tired of Flying A Ripple’s Fairy Tale A Fish with Five Heads The Sun Smiles on the Surface of a River The Rain Lingering on the Tree Tomato and Cucumber Palm-size Fairy Tales in Summertime The Scenery of the Dusk Outside the Window in July The Little Pond in August The Ivy’s Poems To Clip a Leaf in Your Favorite Book To Exchange a Watermelon The Chat Between a Cricket and a Katydid Even if We Became Worms, We’d Stay Together Please Don’t Laugh at Me The Cornflowers Are Blossoming A Short Wooden Fence Chewing Bread The Moon Sawn in Half A Fox and a Beautiful Mushroom The Sun, Are You a Whitewasher —Fairy Tales by the Seaside The Moon as a Guest to the Sea A Puppy on the Beach A Careless Crab The Sun, Are You a Whitewasher The Moon on the Way to Work My Mother Fell Asleep The Star by the Moon’s Side Knocks Like Music and Hammers Two Burning Stars What Is Good at Home A Y-shape Apple Tree A Mole Loving Burrowing A Witch Riding a Mop The Hedgehog’s Cowpea Series II Palm-size Fairy Tales (2) Two Trees Missing Each Other A Whale and a Fish A Butterfly Reading a Fragrant Newspaper A Hedgehog and a Tiger Having Eaten a Lion and an Elephant A Sugar Crumb by Grandma Bear’s Mouth Reading a Letter for Grandma Bear Masquerade A Rotten Tomato The Sun Set by Us The Moon Shines on a Bird’s Nest When a Mole Walks Through the Grass The Familiar Road and the Strange Road A Bouncing Chestnut Stories Two Trees Missing Each Other When a Mole Walks Through the Grass A Bear Skipping with a Pot Cover on His Back An Umbrella Whose Egg Is It Sharing the Secret of Happiness The Pie Town Thank You for Telling I’m Ugly The Third Cake Looking for an Addlehead An Elephant Who Steps on His Trunk The Rondo of a Cat Catching a Rat A Clever Rat A Pair of Beautiful Shoes Hanging around the Neck A Python Learning to Stretch Himself Flat Nose or Sharp Nose A Cabbage That Can Talk A Rat Shaking Hands with a Lion The Rain with the Flavor of Meat Series III A Happy Fairyland Express A Sofa That Breaks into a Lion’s Living Room The Leo Rabbit and the Capricorn Lion A Cat That Travelled by a Swing An Orange Moon over the Mountain A Sofa That Breaks into a Lion’s Living Room The Moon’s Tears Are the Shooting Stars A Black Witch’s Chair A Wriggling Letter No. 11 and 12 on Garden Street Stripe Tiger and the Window in a Picture