目录 Preface About the author Foreword Contents List of Tables List of Figures List of Symbols and Abbreviations Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.2 Objectives and scope of this book 1.3 Outline of this book Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Tools and design methods for underground rock caverns 2.2.1 Empirical methods 2.2.2 Observational methods 2.2.3 Physical modeling 2.2.4 Analytical solutions 2.2.5 Numerical modeling 2.2.6 A short critical review 2.3 Variability of geotechnical parameters in cavern design 2.3.1 Distribution types 2.3.2 Quantifying uncertainties in rock properties 2.4 Basic probabilistic analysis concepts 2.4.1 Factor of safety and limitations 2.4.2 Limit states 2.4.3 Probabilistic approaches 2.5 Rock failure criteria 2.6 Review of approaches to obtain limit state functions 2.6.1 Polynomial regression or logarithmic regression (LR) 2.6.2 Response surface method (RSM) 2.6.3 Artifi neural network (ANN) 2.6.4 Multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) 2.6.5 A short critical review 2.7 Review of probabilistic assessment methods 2.7.1 First-Order Reliability Methods (FORM) 2.7.2 Second Order Reliability Methods (SORM) 2.7.3 Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) 2.7.4 Point Estimate Method (PEM) 2.7.5 Hybrid methods 2.7.6 System reliability 2.7.7 A short critical review 2.8 Concluding remarks Chapter 3 RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT ON ULTIMATE LIMIT STATE OF A SINGLE CAVERN 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Previous studies 3.3 Numerical modeling 3.3.1 Assumptions 3.3.2 Cross-section and boundary conditions 3.3.3 Ranges of design parameters and mechanical inputs ……