目录 Preface Chapter 1:Neural Networks and Gradient.Based optimization Our iourney in this book What iS machine Iearning? Supervised Iearning Unsupervised learning Reinforcement learning The unreaS0nabIe effectiveness of data AIl models are wrong Setting up your workspace Using Kaggle kernels Running notebooks Iocally Installing TensorFIow Installing Keras Using data locally Using the AWS deep learning AMI Approximating functions A forward pass A logistic regressor Python version of our Iogistic regressor optimizing model parameters Measuring modelloSS Gradient descent Backpropaqation Parameter updates Putting it all together A deeper network A brief introduction to Keras lmporting Keras A two-layer modeIin Keras Stacking layers Compiling the model Training the model Keras and TensorFIow Tensors and the computational graph Exercises Summary Chapter 2:Applying Maching Learning to Structured Data The data Heuristic,feature.based。and E2E models The machine Iearning software stack The heuristic approach Making predictions using the heuristic model The F1 score Evaluating with a confusion matrix The feature engineering approach A feature from intuition—fraudsters don’t sleep Expeinsight—transfer.then cash out StatisticaI quirks—errors in balances Preparing the data for the Keras library