目录 Section 1 Principles of Drug Therapy Chapter 1 Introduction to Pharmacology The Aim of Pharmacology The History of Pharmacology Change of Drug Discovery Strategy Processes of Drug Discovery Preclinical Pharmacology Research (Non—clinical Research) Clinical Trial Chapter 2 Pharmacokinetics Process of Drug in Body Process for Drug Transport across Membranes and Drug Transporters Drug Absorption and Routes of Administration Drug Distribution and Binding to Plasma Protein Drug Metabolism Drug Elimination Kinetic Process of Drug in Body Principles of Pharmacokinetics Pharmacokinetic Parameters and Basic Calculation Equations Chapter 3 Pharmacodynamics Specific Mechanisms of Drug Action Drug—receptor Interactions Effects on,Enzymes Effects on Transporters Effects on Structural and Functional Proteins Effects on Genes Common Note Concerning the Drug Mechanism Non—specific Mechanisms of Drug Action Dose—response Relationships Dose—response Relationship Curves Relation between Dose—response Variation in Drug Responsiveness Sources of Inter—individual Variation of Drug Response Section 2 Drugs Affecting the Autonomic Nervous System Chapter 4 Introduction Anatomy arid General Functions of Efferent Nervous System Autonomic Nervous System Somatic Motor Nerves Neurotransmitters in the Efferent Nervous System Acetylcholine Norepinephrine Receptors in the Efferent Nervous System Cholincceptors Adrenoceptors Dopamine Receptors Drugs Affecting the Autonomic Nervous System Agonist and Antagonist Actions at Receptors Interference with Synthesis of the Transmitter Interference with Degradation of the Transmitter Interference with Storage and Release of the Transmitter Classification of Drugs Acting on the Efferent Nervous System Chapter 5 Cholinergic Agonists and Antagonists Muscarinic Agonists Choline Esters Natural Alkaloid Muscarinic Agonists Nicotinic Receptor Agonists Anticholinesterase Agents Hydrolyzation of Aeetyleholine by Cholinesterase Reversible and Irreversible Cholinesterase lnhibitors Cholinesterase Regenerators Pralidoxime Chloride Pralidoxime Iodide Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor Antagonists Atropine and Related Alkaloids Synthetic and Semisynthetic Substitutes for Belladonna Alkaloids Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Blocking Aqents Ganglionic Blocking Agents Skeletal Muscular Relaxants Chapter 6 Adrenergic Agonists and Antagonists Adrenergic Agonists Characteristics of Adrenergie Agonists Agonists for α and β Adrenoceptors Nonselective α Receptor Agonists Selective α Receptor Agonists Selective α Receptor Agonists Nonselective β Receptor Agonists Selective β1Receptor Agonists Selective β2 Receptor Agonists Adrenergic Antagonists α Receptor Antagonists Receptor Antagonists Chapter 7 Local Anesthetics Classifications of Local Anesthetics Individual Local Anesthetics Methods of Administration of Local Anesthesia Adverse Effects of Local Anesthetics Section 3 Drugs Affecting Central Nerv0us System Chapter 8 Introduction to Central Nervous System Cellular Basis of the CNS Neurons Support Celts Neuronal Circuits Synapse and Synaptie Transmission Blood—brain Barrier Ion Channels & Neurotransmitter in the CNS Ion Channels Central Neurotransmitters and Receptors Actions of Drugs in the CNS Specificity and Nonspocificity of CNS Drug Actions General Characteristics of CNS Drug Actions Chapter 9 General Anesthetics Actions and Mechanism of General Anesthetics Anatomic Sites of Action of General Anesthetics Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of General Anesthetics Depth of Anesthesia Measurement of Anesthetic Potency Intravenous Anesthetics Common Intravenous Anesthetics Inhalational Anesthetics Contmon lnhalational Anesthetics Current Clinical Practice Chapter 10 Sedative—hypnotic Drugs Benzodiazepines Chemistry Pharmacokinetics Mechanism of Action Pharmacological Effects and Therapeutic Uses Adverse Effects New Generation Sedative—hypnotic Drugs Novel Benzodiazepine Receptor Agonists Barbiturates and Other Hypnotics Chapter 11 Antiepileptics Classification of Epilepsy Pathogenesis of Epilepsy Antiepileptic Drugs Chapter 12 Antipsychotics and Antidepressants Antipsychotic Drugs Classification of Antipsychotic Drugs First—generation Antipsychotics Second—generation Antipsychotics Antidepressants Classification of Antidepressants Selective Serotonin Reuptske(nhibitors(SSRIs) Serotonin/Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors(SNRIs) Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors(NRIs) 5—HT2 Receptor Antagonist Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors(MAOIs) Other Antidepressants Drugs for Bipolar Disorder Antianxiety Drugs Chapter 13 Analgesics Opioid Receptor and Mechanism of Action Opioid Receptors Endogenous Opioid Peptides Mechanism of Action Morphine and Opioid Agonists Structure—activity Relationship Pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamies Therapeutic Uses Adverse Effects Contraindications Other Opioid Receptor Agonists Strong Agonists Moderate Agonists Mixed Agonist—antagonist Opioid Receptor Antagonists Chapter 14 Drugs for Neurodegenerative Diseases Anti—Parkinson Drugs Classification of Anti—Parkinson Drugs DA Precursor Levodopa Degradation Inhibitors DA Receptor Agonists Selective MAO—B Inhibitors COMT Inhibitors N—methyl—D—aspartate(NMDA)Receptor Antagonist Antimuscarinic Agents Drugs for Alzheimer s Disease Acetylcholinesterase(ACHE)Inhibitors NMDA Receptor Antagonist Chapter 15 Central Nervous System Stimulants Drugs Mainly Acting on the Cortex Drugs Stimulating Respiratory Center Section 4 Cardiovascular Pharmacology Chapter 16 Diuretics Definition and Classification of Diuretics Physiological Basis of Diuretics G)omerular Filtration Reabsorption and Secretion of Substances in Renal Tubules Common Diuretics High Efficacy Diuretics(Loop Diuretics) Moderate Efficacy Diuretics(Thiazides or Thiazide—like Diuretics) Low Efficacy Diuretics Dehydrants Chapter 17 Antihypertensive Drugs Classification of Antihypertensive Agents Drugs that Interfere with Renin—angiotensi System ACE Inhibitors Angiotensin Ⅱ Receptor Blockers Renin Inhibitor Calcium Channel Blockers Diuretics Sympathetic Nervous System Inhibitors Adrenoceptor Blockers α Adrenoceptor Blockers α/β Adrenoceptor Blocking Agents Centrally Acting Adrenergic Drugs Vasodilators Combination Therapy of Hypertension Chapter 18 Antianginal Drugs Organic Nitrates Chemistry Pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics Mechanism of Action Therapeutic Uses Adverse Effects and Drug Interactions Blockers Phannacodypamics Therapeutic Uses Adverse Effects and Drug Interactions Calcium Channel Blockers Pharmaeodynamics Therapeutic Uses and Adverse Effects Other Antianginal Drugs Chapter 19 Drugs Used in Congestive Heart Failure Drug Classification Representative Drugs Used in Congestive Heart Failure Diuretics Vasodilators Renin—angiotensin—aldosterone Axis Antagonists Adrenergic Receptor Antagonists Cardiac Glycosides Adrenergic and Dopaminergic Agonists Phosphodiesterase(PDE)Inhibitors Chapter 20 Anti—arrhythmic Drugs Electrophysiology of Normal Cardiac Rhythm Ionic Basis of Membrane Electrical Activity Automaticity,Conduction,and Refractoriness Mechanisms of Cardiac Arrhythmias Re—entry Enhanced Autornaticity Afterdepelarization Mechanisms of Anti—arrhythmic Drugs Slowing Automatic Rhythms Inhibiting Afterdepolarizations and Triggered Activity Inhibiting Re—entry Classification of Anti—arrhythmic Drugs Ⅰ Na+Channel Blockers ⅡβAdrenoceptor Antagonists Drugs Prolonging Action Potential Duration Ⅳ Ca2+Channel Blockers Representative Anti—arrhythmic Drugs Chapter 21 Drugs for Hyperlipidemia and Atherosclerosis Pathophysiology of Hyperlipidemia Normal Lipoprotein Metabolism Lipoprotein Disorders Dietary Management of Hyperfipidemia Drugs Used in Hyperlipidemia HMG—CoA Reductase Inhibitors Bile Acid—binding Resins Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitor Fibrates Nicotinic Acid Antioxidants Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids n—3(or ω—3)—type of PUFAs n—6(or ω—6)—type of Fatty Acids Combined Use of Antihyperlipidemic Drugs Section 5 Inflammation,Immunomoudlation and Autacoid Pharmacology Section 6 Endocrine Drugs Section 7 Drugs Affecting Other Systems Section 8 Chemotherapeutic Drugs Index