目录 激光驱动惯性约束聚变 1994 Modified formula of nonlocal electron transport in a laser—produced plasma 1994 Physical processes of volume ignition and thermonuclear bum for high—gain inertial confinement fusion 1995 高增益靶体点火的动力学过程分析 1996 A moderate—gain ICF model from LTE ignition to non—LTE burn 1997 The volume ignition for ICF ignition target 1999 Status and progress in the Chinese ICF program 2002 Laser hohkaum coupling efficiency on the Shenguang II facility 2006 Inertial fusion advance toward ignition and gain(Summary talk) 2006 Status of inertial confinement fusion research in China 2007 Inertial fusion research in China 2008 Twenty times lower ignition threshold for laser driven fusion using collective effects and the inhibition factor 2009 神光III原型Ins激光驱动黑腔辐射温度实验研究 2010 An initial design of hohlraum driven by a shaped laser pulse 2013 Advances in the national inertial fusion program of China 2013 Preheat ofradiative shock in double—shell ignition targets 2014 A wedged—peak—pulse design with medium fuel adiabat for indirect—drive fusion 2014 Design ofan indirect—drive pulse shape for~1.6 MJ inertial confinement fusion ignition capsules 2014 High flux symmetry ofthe spherical hohkaum with octahedral 6LEHs at the hohlraum—to—capsule radius ratio of 5.14 2014 Octahedral spherical hohlraum and its laser arrangement for inertial fusion 2015 Laser imprint reduction for the critical—density foam buffered target driven by a relatively strong foot pulse at early stage of laser implosions 2016 A hybrid—drive nonisobaric—ignition scheme for inertial confinement fusion 2016 First investigation on the radiation field of the spherical hohlraum 2016 Ignition conditions relaxation for central hot—spot ignition with an ion—electron non—equilibrium model 2016 The updated advancements of inertial confinement fusion program in China 2017 Neutron generation by laser—driven spherically convergent plasma fusion 斑图动力学和时空混沌 1982 等离子体中大幅波与低频振荡粒子非线性相互作用效应 1983 等离子体中调制不稳定性和波包的坍缩过程 1984 大幅Langrnuir Soliton及其Liapunov稳定性 1984 Dynamical behavior of the photons in high temperature plasma 1986 高频波激发低频磁场和离子声波的重整化强湍动理论 1987 等离子体中粒子与cavitons相互作用 1991 Relative diffusion and formation of clumps in phase space of electrons in localized Langmuir fields 1992 Basic dynamic properties ofthe high—order nonlinear Schr6dinger equation 1992 Correlation function of clumps for electrons in localized coherent Langrnuir fields 1992 Dynamic properties and the two—point correlation function for electrons in localized coherent Langrnuir fields 1992 Pattern form and homoclinic structure in Zakharov equations 1993 Chaotic behavior of one—dimensional nonlinear Schr6dinger equations involving high order saturable nonlinear terms 1993 Relative diffusion and two—point microscale correlation in phase space of electrons in localized Langmuir fields 1993 Spatiotemporal complexity of the cubic—quintic nonlinear Schr6dinger equation 1993 Controlling chaos using modified Lyapunov exponents 1994 PaRem structures on generalized nonlinear SchrSdinger equations with various nonlinear terms 1994 Quasiperiodic and chaotic behavior on Zakharov equations 1994 Spatial chaos and pa~erns in laser—produced plasmas 1994 Spatiotemporal paRems in Langmuir plasmas 1994 Stochastic diffusion of electrons in evolutive Langmuir fields 1995 Spatiotemporal chaos in the regime of the conserved Zakharov equations 1998 Characterization ofpaaem formation from modulation instability in the cubic Schr6dinger equation 1998 Pattem formation and competition in the regime of the conserved cubic—quintic nonlinear Schrodinger equation 2000 Pattem dynamics and spatiotemporal chaos in the conserved Zakharov equations 2002 Harmonic modulation instability and spatiotemporal chaos 2006 A note on chaotic tmimodal maps and applications 2006 X—wave solutions of complex Ginzburg—Landau equations 2007 Complex dynamics of femtosecond terawatt laser pulses in air 2008 Progress of pattern dynamics in plasma waves 2013 Pattem dynamics and filamentation of femtosecond terawatt laser pulses in air including the higher—order Kerr effects 等离子体自生磁场 1983 等离子体波—粒子非线性作用的有质动力和自生磁场效应 1993 Ponderomotive force in unmagnetized Vlasov plasma 1999 Magnetic field generated by ionization front produced by intense laser radiating gas 2000 Dipole Alfven vortex with finite ion Larmor radius in a low—beta plasma 2000 Quasistatic magnetic field generation by an intense ultrashort laser pulse in underdense plasma 2001 Slow—time—scale magnetic felds driven by fast—time—scale waves in an underdense relativistic Vlasov plasma 2002 Generation of helical and axial magnetic fields by the relativistic laser pulses in under—dense plasma:Three—dimensional particle—in—cell simulation 2003 A theoretical model for a spontaneous magnetic field in intense laser plasma interaction 2005 Fluid theory of magnetic—field generation in intense laser—plasma interaction 2005 Magnetic field generation and relativistic electron dynamics in circularly polarized intense laser interaction with dense plasma 2005 Quasistatic magnetic and electric fields generated in intense laser plasma interaction 2006 Fluid theory for quasistatic magnetic field generation in intense laser plasma interaction 2009 Generation of strong magnetic fields from laser interaction with two—layer targets 2011 Magnetic collimation of fast electrons in specially engineered targets irradiated by ultraintense laser pulses 2011 Magnetic—field generation and electron—collimation analysis for propagating fast electron beams in overdense plasmas 2013 Study on magnetic field generation and electron collimation in overdense plasmas 2014 Three—dimensional fast magnetic reconnection driven by relativistic ultraintense femtosecond lasers 2015 Self—generated magnetic dipoles in weakly magnetized beam—plasma system 2016 Characterization of magnetic reconnection in the high—energy—density regime 激光等离子体相互作用和粒子加速 A 电子共振加速 2004 Resonance acceleration of electrons in combined strong magnetic fields and intense laser fields 2005 Electron acceleration in combined intense laser fields and 