目录 Preface 1.Primitive Data 1.1.Changing the Capitalization of a String 1.2.Cleaning Up Whitespace in a String 1.3.Building a String from Parts 1.4.Treating a String as a Sequence of Characters 1.5.Converting Between Characters and Integers 1.6.Formatting Strings 1.7.Searching a String by Pattern 1.8.Pulling Values Out of a String Using Regular Expressions 1.9.Performing Find and Replace on Strings 1.10.Splitting a String into Parts 1.11.Pluralizing Strings Based on a Quantity 1.12.Converting Between Strings, Symbols, and Keywords 1.13.Maintaining Accuracy with Extremely Large/Small Numbers 1.14.Working with Rational Numbers 1.15.Parsing Numbers 1.16.Truncating and Rounding Numbers 1.17.Performing Fuzzy Comparison 1.18.Performing Trigonometry 1.19.Inputting and Outputting Integers with Different Bases 1.20.Calculating Statistics on Collections of Numbers 1.21.Performing Bitwise Operations 1.22.Generating Random Numbers 1.23.Working with Currency 1.24.Generating Unique IDs 1.25.Obtaining the Current Date and Time 1.26.Representing Dates as Literals …… 2.Composite Data 3.General Computing 4.Local I/O 5.Network I/O and Wed Services 6.Databases 7.Wed Applications 8.Performance and Production 9.Distributed Computation 10.Testing Index